The Voice Of An Angel

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Time Skip

It had been an hour since we went back inside, little Tweek fell asleep, Token and Clyde were busy duking it out in Mortal Kombat while the girls were in the kitchen doing their own thing.
"Craig? You sure you don't want to play?" Clyde asked. I just shook my head.
"Kinda busy here" I laughed. I stroked Tweeks hair as he quietly snored away asleep on my chest. "God babe, you fall asleep so easily"
Token had destroyed Clyde once again and that's when Clyde gave up.
"I don't wanna play this anymore" Clyde whined. Token just laughed.
"Are you guys interested in playing Rock Band?" Token asked. Clyde nodded and heck even I did.
"Well what roles do you guys want?" Token asked.
"Drums!" Clyde yelled. I flipped him off as Tweek started to stir.
"I guess I'll be on the guitar" I said flatly. Token went to the closet and pulled out the guitar and the drum kit.
"I'll be bass, but who's gonna sing?" He asked. He went to go ask the girls and they weren't exactly interested in playing.
"Hmm" Clyde said. "Guess no singer then."
That's when it hit me. I carefully booped Tweek nose.
"Hey honey, I have a question for you" I whispered. The blonde slowly stirred awake and yawned massively.
"W-what happened?" He yawned. I ruffled his hair and smiled.
"You were just getting some beauty sleep" I smiled. "But we need your help"
He slowly sat up straight still rubbing his eyes.
"W-with what?" He asked. Token handed me the microphone to which I handed it to Tweek.
"We need a singer in the game Rock Band, think you would be willing?" I winked. He took the microphone and blushed.
"Y-you sure I won't mess up too much?" He twitched. I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"You couldn't if you tried, I've heard you sing before mister. In the car and in the shower" I giggled and winked. Tweek blushed and hid his face.
"CRAIG!" He whined. I slowly removed his hands from his face and kissed him.
"But honey, it's adorable" I smiled. He blushed and shyly smiled.
"I-I guess I could do it" he smiled. I nuzzled him and let him slowly get up.
"What genre do you want to sing Tweek?" Token asked.
"P-probably anything besides country, a-and I'm not that good at rap" he said quietly.
"That sounds fine" Token said and started hoping through songs. As Token scrolled I noticed one peaked Tweeks interest.
"T-that one" Tweek pointed. Token scrolled up once and highlighted it.
"Glad You Came by Boyce Avenue?" Token asked. Tweek nodded so Token selected it.
"Why that one Tweekers?" I asked. The small blonde shrugged.
"I don't know, I just have this weird feeling inside" Tweek said as he placed a hand on his chest. I laughed and smiled.
"Ok Tweek" I smiled.
"Everyone ready?" Token asked. We all nodded and he pressed start. It wasn't long before lyrics started to appear on my screen. And I wasn't ready for what was about to happen as Tweek started to sing and I started to play.

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
The rest of us started to play, but all I could do was watch and listen.

You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
And I decided you look well on me, well on me
So let's go somewhere no-one else can see, you and me

I felt my heart begin to race. Tweek swung a little as he sang in near perfect pitch. Token and Clyde were super excited to see Tweek doing super well. Me, I had this feeling in my heart I hadn't had since I asked Tweek out.

Turn the lights out now
Now I'll take you by the hand
Hand you another drink
Drink it if you can
Can you spend a little time
Time is slipping away
Away from us so stay
Stay with me I can
Make you glad you came

My score slowly started to slip and I tried to make my pace better. But the feeling in my heart was slowly becoming too much. I still pressed on as my little boyfriend had the whole room watching him. I closed my eyes as I could here the girls leaving the kitchen and entering the living room.

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

Those words. They were beyond beautiful. And to hear them in that amazing voice I could feel my eyes slowly begin to water.

You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
And I decided you look well on me, well on me
So let's go somewhere no-one else can see, you and me
Turn the lights out now
I'll take you by the hand
Hand you another drink
So drink it if you can
Can you spend a little time
Time is slipping away
Away from us so stay
Stay with me I can
Make you glad you came

Clyde was really cheering Tweek on now as he pressed on effortlessly. He was a natural. He was so calm and composed. The girls started to clap and Tweek slowly started to blush.

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came
So glad you came
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

There was a little pause. It was like the air in the room just froze. I held my breath as the last versus appeared on the screen. My eyes watering more and more. I was an emotional wreck, but this last versus was too much.

The sun goes down...
The stars come out...
And all that counts.....
Is here and now.....
My universe will never be the same.....
I'm glad you came....
I'm glad you came

The finished screen appeared and the whole room began to cheer for Tweek. Except me. I had to run to the restroom. I couldn't let Tweek see me like this. Tweek turned around to face me, but I quickly took the guitar off and ran to the bathroom.
"C-Craig? I-is everything ok?" I hear him say in his soft voice. I make sure to not slam the door and I sit on the floor and the tears begin to flow.
"T-that was perfect..." I whimpered. I must have been crying loud enough for someone to hear me as I hear a knock on the door.
"W-who is it?" I asked trying to stop the tears.
"It's Clyde" Clyde whispered through the door. I reached up and slowly opened it.
"Dude? Are you ok?" He whispered. "I've never seen you cry like this since you saw Tweek reading your note."
"I-I don't know dude. H-he was just so amazing and the song made me feel like a way I can't describe" I whispered. He placed his hand on my shoulder and grabbed some toilet paper for me.
"Must be your guy's song than" he smiled. "Bebe and mines is Bad Romance by Lady Gaga"
I just slowly nodded and blew my nose.
"W-we should probably get back" I said. "I probably scared him and I feel terrible right now"
We slowly made our way back to the living room and I see Tweek sitting on the couch with his head in his hands and Token trying to comfort him. I get in front of Tweek and pick him up.
"You did nothing wrong, you understand?" I whispered. "You are more amazing than I could ever imagine"
He slowly lifted his head and I saw tears in those big amazing eyes. I quickly wiped them and hugged him tight.
"I'm sorry I made you cry Tweekers" I whispered. He buried his face into my shoulder.
"I-I know Craig" he whispered. I sit on the couch as Tweek curls up on my lap. I play with his hair as I see him close his eyes.
"I think you guys should play, I think the star needs a break" I smiled. Token and Clyde laughed and nodded.
"He did very well though," Token said. "Way better than I thought to be honest"
"Come one Bebe, let's play Bad Romance" Clyde laughed. Bebe just sighed and smiled.
"Fine I will Clyde" she laughed.

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