The Fundraiser Pt: 2

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(I want to apologize for not doing Kenny justice)

Kenny POV

"I can't believe your back dude!" Kyle said happily. "Why didn't you tell us?"
I just chuckled as Kyle and Stan got into my pickup.
"So why did you guys move back?" Stan asked. I puffed on my cigarette and flicked it out the window.
"Just wanted to go back home" I said. "Denver really didn't do it for us"
The guys agreed as we pulled up to the school. I had to make sure my stuff got sent over since my parents were way too lazy. I followed the guys in and got curious as we made our way to the principal's office.
"Where the fuck is Cartman?" I asked. Kyle just laughed which in turn made Stan giggle.
"Craig happened dude" he laughed. I cocked to the side. What did Craig do?
"What do you mean Craig happened?" I asked. I knew that they hated each other since they were little, but it didn't make sense why he wasn't here.
"He did something horrible to Craigs boyfriend, so he beat the shit out of him" Stan chimed. I stopped in my tracks and giggled a little.
"Craig? THE Craig Tucker has a boyfriend?" I laughed. "I thought that asshole hated everyone and everything?"
"This kid like got through the ice dude" Kyle said. I was just in shock. Craig Tucker got a boyfriend, I mean I always thought he was straight, but I'm not gonna judge, I've always had a crush on little Butters myself. We got everything checked over and we made our way back to the truck.
"So Kenny" Kyle started. "We have to do a fundraiser and we need a fourth member, are you interested?"
"Fuck it why not" I laughed. We drove by what looked like a coffee shop and my eyes caught some bright blonde hair.
"Who is that cutie?"

Craig POV (chubby Tweek featured in this chapter, skip until you see bold)

"First customer" I hollered to the guys and girls. I facepalmed hard as the girls got into their swimsuits as both Clyde and Token's jaws dropped.
"God damn it you too!" I sighed. We had a job to do and they were just there admiring the eye candy. Clyde suddenly turned to me and just said one thing.
"Tweek" he smiled. I gave him a confused look. He placed his hands on me and turned me around. I was so confused until I saw him.
"W-what d-do GAH you t-think Craig?" Tweek blushed and twitched. He was wearing a white crop top with the word cutie written in blue with the same sports shirts he was already wearing. I just felt my face getting redder and redder. His soft tummy just slightly resting over the hem of his shorts.
"I told you he would love it Tweek" Clyde giggled. I just walked up to Tweek and he looked up at me with those gorgeous green eyes. I couldn't help myself as I lightly flicked his tummy making it jiggle slightly. Tweek jumped a little, but to my surprise he giggled a little bit.
"W-when did you get this?" I asked with a huge blushing smile. Tweek just blushed and pointed to Clyde. I picked him up and kissed his face all over and looked at Clyde.
"I noticed one night that I was over and you just kept like messing with his tummy while he slept" Clyde giggled. "And I saw this one day out shopping and I had to get it for him to wear for you"
I was blushing super hard now. Clyde actually saw me doing that? God this is embarrassing. I felt a little peck on my lips that got me out of my trance.
"Craig?" I heard Tweeks sweet voice. I just shook my head and smiled at him.
"Y-yeah Tweekers?" I asked. He tilted his head at me and blinked.
"Y-your not mad at C-Clyde are you?" He asked. I just stared into those eyes.
"I can't, he got them as a surprise for me so I can't be" I responded. "I'm just shocked you're actually wearing it in public!"
This made my Tweekers more embarrassed, but he didn't hide his face. This made me smile, but at the same time I loved it when he was all shy.
"Y-you have made me feel more confident" he smiled. "S-so I wanted to wear it for you"
I swear I must have been beet red because Tweeks grin just kept getting bigger and bigger.
"You're so cute when you're red" he giggled. I kissed Tweek so he would stop talking. God I was getting embarrassed.
"W-why don't you go start helping the girls wash the first car ok?" I asked with a smile. I placed him down and he walked over to the girls giggling. I just watched for a moment until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Your welcome dude" Clyde laughed. I punched his shoulder and smiled.
"Thanks" I laughed. Clyde pouted and rubbed his shoulder as we sat down at our table as a few more people pulled up. Tweek and the girls were cleaning at a good pace and the money was starting to flow. Clyde, Token and I also jumped in from time to time to clean as well. It was nearing sundown when I thought I heard a catcall.

Kenny POV (your safe now)

I couldn't help myself but whistle to try and get the boys attention. We pulled into the parking lot so we learned it was a car wash fundraiser.
"I think this is Craigs fundraiser" Kyle said. I tried looking around for him, I only saw who I thought was Token and Clyde.
"You sure?" I asked. "I don't see that asshat anywhere"
"It is because it's at Tweeks family's coffee shop" Stan said. I accidentally slammed on my brakes. Tweek. I hadn't heard that name in months.
"Ken, you alright?" Kyle asked. "You just gave us whiplash"
I shook my head and laughed.
"My bad guys" I laughed. "I might pull in there and see if they can wash my truck"
I quickly pulled into the lot and jumped out of the truck.
"Holy shit" I hear a voice say. "Kenny McCormick"
I looked to my left and saw Clyde Donovan. Man, it's been a long time since I've seen these guys.
"Clyde, long time no see haha" I laughed. Clyde started to ramble when I noticed the small blonde head that caught my eye. I walked right past Clyde and whistled again. The small boy jumped and quickly turned around. He was short, had messy blonde hair, these big unmistakable eyes.
"Tweek?" I asked. The boy slowly twitched a little. That's when I knew. "Oh my god! It's been months since I last saw you, Tweeky!"
I guess he didn't remember me, since he was really starting to twitch like crazy.
"H-hi Kenny" he twitched. I walked up to him and looked him over, I was absolutely shocked by what he was wearing, but damn did he look cute.
"Damn Tweek, you look pretty damn adorable" I smirked. "You never dressed like this in Denver. Kinda surprised your showing skin"
Before Tweek could speak another voice pierced the air.
"Who just cat called Tweek!" A nasally voice said angrily as I noticed a very familiar blue hat getting closer and closer.
"Shit" I laughed and tried to play dumb. "Are you dating Craig Tucker?" I tried to play it off as Craig stormed his way up here. I saw him scanning the area than our eyes locked.
"Kenny McCormick" Craig said. "What the hell are you doing in town" I adjusted my hood and lit a cigarette.
"Hello to you too Craig" I laughed. "We decided to move back and I happened to notice a friend from Denver" I casually pulled Tweek close to me. This kid isn't nearly as scrawny as I remembered and was still super short though. I also laughed as I saw Craig twitch a little bit and his face got red. "Whats wrong Craig? He can have other friends"
"Then why does he look scared shitless?" He asked in a nasty tone. I felt the boy twitching violently. "Tweek, come here ok? Your twitching like crazy" Tweek didn't hesitate and bolted over to Craig with his arms up.
"I guess he doesn't fully remember me haha" I laughed and took a smoke. "How did you two end up together? I just find it kinda funny" I watched as Craig picked him up and held him.
"He was getting bullied and I wanted to help him" Craig said as he looked at Tweek. "One thing led to another and" Craig stopped as he felt Tweek really starting to tremble.
"Honey?" Craig said, full of worry. Tweek said nothing and just started twitching and gasping for air. "H-honey breath!" He bolted over to a car as Kyle and Stan ran up to us.
"What happened to Tweek?" Kyle asked. I just shrugged.
"He probably had one of his panic attacks, he used to have them all the time" I shrugged. "Hopefully it isn't too bad"

Craig POV

I was terrified, I haven't seen Tweek like this since the Cartman incident. I ran him over as fast as I could and sat him down on the back of his car. I faced him and tried my best to get him to follow my lead.
"T-Tweek, d-deeps breaths like this ok" my voice faltered as I did my best to take big deep breaths and to stay calm. Thank god Tweek was laser focused on me and he slowly started trying to copy me. What was probably a few seconds felt like hours as he slowly started breathing again. He coughed and sputtered a little, but he started slow deep shaky breaths. I sighed and wiped the sweat off my face. He looked up at me with his eyes starting to puff.
"Hey, shhhhh, don't cry" I whispered as I carefully wiped his eyes. "Baby, you did nothing wrong, I just didn't want you to get hurt, ok?" He just whimpered and held his arms up. He always knew how to get his way. I picked him up and rocked him slowly. I guess everyone finally came back to see how he was doing as I was surrounded by everyone.
"He ok?" Clyde asked quietly. I just nodded as Tweek had his head nuzzled into my neck. He has gotten so much better since he first came here, I hated seeing him regress. I just nodded my head.
"Hey Tweekers?" I whispered into his ear. I noticed one green eye peek up at me. "Would you maybe want some ice cream? You've been working so hard and so well I think you deserve it" Tweek slowly lifted his head and nodded with a little smile. I kissed him and cupped his soft cheek in my hand. He always knows how to get what he wants.
"I-I want some ice cream" I heard Clyde whisper. I laughed and flipped him off.
"Then come with dude" I laughed. "Anyone else want to go?" They all smiled, but declined so I headed out with Tweek and Clyde. Oh, I was still carrying Tweek.

Kenny POV

"Damn they are so gay" I laughed. I heard Kyle and Stan laugh a little bit next to me. "Hey Token? Can you like tell me everything?"
Token was hesitant at first, but with some convincing told me everything. How Tweek was getting bullied on his first day here and how Craig defended him and they invited him over for a sleepover. I couldn't help but chuckle when he talked about Tweek sleeping on Craigs shoulder, then the note asking Tweek out. It was when he told me what Cartman did in detail even I was a bit disturbed by it. It reminded me of back at Denver High.
"And that's about everything" Token said. I leaned back against my truck as I saw the guys come back. I smirked as Craig was STILL carrying Tweek with Clyde next to him.
"You know he can walk Tucker!" I shouted to him. Craig gave Tweek his ice cream and flipped me off. I couldn't help but laugh as Tweek innocently licked Craig's ice cream until Craig caught him.
"Tweekers!" Craig laughed as Tweek hid his face in Craigs neck. It was so weird seeing Craig act like this, he was always an asshole growing up. They got to the car as I lit up one more cigarette for the night.
"It's getting late" I puffed. Tweek already finished his ice cream and I guess was giving Craig his puppy dog eyes as Craig just blushed and gave him the rest.
"Damn those two are gay" I laughed. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to my left and was greeted by Stan.
"Want to spend the night with Kyle and I?" he asked. "We are curious about how you know Tweek"
I just nodded and flicked my cigarette to the ground. I mean why the hell not right. I looked back to see that Craig and the guys already had their stuff packed up. Tweek was in the passenger seat singing and dancing as he waited for Craig to hop in and drive them away.
"You all set Ken?" Kyle asked. I shook my head and laughed.
"Yeah, your house?" I asked. Kyle nodded and we headed over.

Glad You Came (Creek Fanfic)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara