Mana Zone: Calidos Brachium Purgatory

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My mother had begun the attack on the intruders and she yells out to me "Run!"

A cluster of men and women attack her with weapons, but she weaves around their swings with ease and counters with her quick almost impossible to dodge punches. Then they shoot harpoons at her that have some strange golden ropes instead of normal ones.

"Restrain her and kill her!" One of them yell out as my mom is surrounded and everyone seems to be glowing with some sort of magic protecting them from the heat somewhat.

"Pay attention brat... Mana Zone." My mom says and I see the very air around her convert into an extension of her own mana, I can tell her magic is getting stronger by the second as she seems to gather what she has left after taking down nearly a hundred people by herself.

"Calidos Brachium Purgatory!" She yells as the fiery aura of magic around her enlarge rapidly and turns blue from the excess heat as every last person is burned into nothing. The only reason I'm fine is because I'm highly resistant to fire and heat after our training.

My mother then passed out from exhausting herself after she says "Damn it I'm rusty."

I catch her in my arms and take her back to our house nursing her. When she wakes up she says "This place is getting very dangerous, we need to go and finish your training, but I won't be able to keep you safe for much longer. You need to go soon to where all Half-blood demigods go."

We continue the training and it only gets more intense and she holds back nothing giving me one present before she tells me I have to leave having completed my training. It's a necklace with a red crystal "That is the Vermillion heirloom it's a powerful magic stone that enhances Flame Magic only."

I leave the next day and I drive down from the mountains in my new car to Long Island, New York where I will find Camp Half-Blood. I'm out in the rain with my car driving on the dark country roads late at night, I want to get there as soon as possible. I feel something strange like something is misplaced or something is here that shouldn't be.

The flashes of lightning are fairly entertaining and at least it keeps me bright and awake during this boring trip. I swear I can hear something coming my way when I suddenly hear a loud bellow perhaps a few miles behind me in the distance.

I'm currently driving by old barn houses, forest hills and white picket fences with 'PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES!' on some of the signs, how pleasant. Suddenly a flash of lightning and I hear a big boom behind me and some screams, I slow the car down and look in my mirrors to see someone had crashed.

I get out of my car lock the door and go to help them, it's a crashed 78' Camaro in a pit of mud with some people trying to get out. I jump down into the mud and open the door not submerged in mud as I pull two boys out and help out the woman in the driver's seat.

They stumble over their words, but say nothing else and they try to run into the forest and I see a huge figure illuminated by a flash of lightning just behind me as they're many yards away now. The huge figure charges at me and since I hadn't seen it coming I was sent flying into the forest by the thing. I get up as soon as I can see where I'm going as I had landed in a mud pit of rain water.

I charge at the direction I know the figure was heading ready for a fight now. A good twelve seconds later of high speed running and I see the figure partially hidden by trees and it had just charged past a young boy, who dived to the side like an amateur bullfighter. I charge at the beast and jump onto it's back grabbing it's long horns in my tight grip and I use my magic to enhance my strength and speed like my mother can.

As it tries to charge at the woman I turn it's head the other way and make it charge into a tree when it tried to grab her. They try to run to the farmhouse down the hill we're on the boy and his goat friend make it, but the woman is stuck with the boy trying to pull her against something like an invisible wall.

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