"HARRY! We're going to be late let's go!"

"Coming Mione!"

"Okay, now Pansy how do I keep him out of the great hall?"

"Keep him away until 4."

"Got it."

"Alright, Mione I'm ready."

Hermione nodded and walked out with Harry. We only had one hour to finish setting this all up.
"Now Harry how are you doing?" Madam Pomfrey asked while getting harry set up for his ultrasound.

"I'm doing great actually. I have I've been vomiting as much."

"That's fantastic."

She started but all I could think was how Harry would react to this party. The goal was to make him happy and feel less insecure but what if it made it worse. I'm not sure how that would even work but what if that happens? What would be done? We would all be guilty.

"Here's your baby. See how small. There is the foot." She pointed at the small foot on the screen.

"Madam how long until I know the gender?" madam Pomfrey and I eyed each other. "I understand how early it is but I read somewhere that it is possible to know as early as eight weeks."

"Now Mr.Potter that is true but I can't clearly see yet." she wrote something on a sticky note and put it in her pocket.

It was going great! We were all in the Great Hall getting ready for harry to arrive and as we continued to decorate more and more people showed up to help.
It was absolutely beautiful! It looked like we made it into a baby shower but that wasn't the case at all!
Yes, there was an onesie decorating station but that was for after we knew the gender!
Nothing in the room was pink or blue except buttons. We made buttons so people could wear the color of the gender they thought the baby would be. Instead of pink or blue everything was beige then when the gender was announced everything would change into that color.
This party was going to be absolutely perfect!

Step Three: decoration. Check.
Now, all we needed was Harry and we would be all set.
4 o'clock. It was time.


"Ugh yeah."

"Let's go on a walk. You need to get up you've been sitting for far too long."

"Ummm okay?"

That was a pretty stupid way to get him to get up but it worked. He always listens to me, he knows I know what's right. This wasn't really a smart thing more or a...we have a party to attend to so let's go.

"So what do you think the gender is?"

"I honestly don't care too much. I'll be happy with any gender."

"Are you excited?"

"Of course I am! I mean it's a bit hard but I know it will be worth it. Being insecure shouldn't be in my way, but all I feel is insecure. I'm going to be fat and gross."

"Let's go sit in the hall and talk."


I opened both doors and huge lights peered out.

You should've seen the look on Harry's face! He didn't even know what was going on!
I ran over and took his hands.

"We threw a gender reveal party for you. Do you like it?"

He looked around the room and smiled.

"Of course I do. Thank You so much."

"Of course! I mean this is a huge day!"

The party was going great. Harry was super happy with all these people here showing him that they supported him no matter what.
We ate and decorated onesies.
My favorite one was the houses. Someone from each house-made one representing their house, it was adorable.
We did all kinds of things.


"What's up?"

"Why is everything beige?"

My face lit up, I grabbed his hand and brought him to the front of the room.


Everything stopped and everyone looked up at me.

"Now this is a very important day. This is the day we get to find out what the gender of Harry's baby is. I can see all of you with your pins but now we get to see who the winner is. Harry? Are you ready?"

He had a very confused look on his face. I handed him a fake wand.

"What is this for?"

"Point it up."

He did along with everyone else.
Where was everyone?
I was wondering the halls bored out of my mind and I noticed that literally everyone was gone. Vanished without a trace.
Then I heard something.
A very quiet voice. It sounded like an announcement.
I decided to follow the voice.
Then I heard the voice again, this time it was accompanied by a bunch of other voices. I think they said...three?
I ran until I was near the great hall.
Then I heard it again.
This time it was clear. Whoever was in the Great hall was counting down. This time they all said two.
I slowly pushed open the door of the hall and saw everyone gathered together holding up wands.

"ONE!" Then pink sparks shot out of the wands. Everything in the room went pink and a huge banner dropped.

'It's A Girl!' It read.

I looked around the room and everyone was celebrating. Everyone was jumping around and cheering. At the very front of the hall, I saw Harry being hugged by Granger and Pansy. Weaselbee and Blaise were jumping around excited along with everyone else.
Everything looked like it was going in slow motion!
The year that we're going down harry's face was even in slow motion.
Then it hit me.
This was a gender reveal party.
This was Harry's gender reveal party.
The baby that he was carrying was a girl.
An innocent baby girl.
My baby girl.
The baby I put in him was a girl.
The baby I said I didn't want.
Was a girl.
I closed the door and started to walk away.
I was super dizzy and fell to the floor.
I crawled until I could put my back against a wall.
A girl.
My baby was a girl.
A baby Malfoy.
A baby Potter.
This baby that I told him to abort was a girl.
I said I didn't want to be there.
I said I didn't want a single part.
I brought my knees up and put my face in them and put my hands out my ears to block out the cheering.
What did I do?
Why did I do that?
Why did I do that to my baby?!
Why did I abandon my baby?!?
Why did I abandon him like that?
Why did I tell him to abort my baby?!
Why didn't I help?
Why didn't I stay with him?
Why didn't I tell him I would be there?
Whey didn't I listen to my parents?
He needed me.
Does he now?
Does he still need me?
Does he even want me?
These are all questions that I couldn't answer and there was no way I would ever answer them because I don't know.
I don't know why I did that and I won't ever. I should've listened to my parents. He needed me and now I probably won't even get to see her! I won't be able to be part of my baby girl's life because I told him to abort it.
I told everyone I didn't want it.
I announced it to the whole hall. Everyone was there.
What did I do?!
Word Count: 1880
Publish Date: May 16, 2020

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