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I jump onto Heidi and start screaming only to be pushed off. I explained everything to her and we ran up to my room after having a little dance party. we pack everything that we need and head to Starbucks.

🍪☕️🍪 at Starbucks 🍪☕️🍪

I walk in and go in line with Heidi behind me. I look around the shop only to see my boyfriend jack there with his arm around some girls waist. I am shocked and relived that this event is happening. See this boy has been my boyfriend for a week and it has been the worst week of my life. I see him everywhere I go with another girl around him. I have been waiting for this to happen so I can dump his sorry ass. I walk out of the line not caring that it was long and that I couldn't get back in it. I walked straight over go him and bitch slapped him right in the face and said " look buddy I'm sick of u and all ur slutty friends when I'm actually an ur girlfriend but I guess now ur one less girl" I walk to the back of the line with a giant smirk on my face. all of a sudden people had made a entry for someone to go through to get straight to the front. I looked behind my to see if any famous person was behind my but no it was just me. I then get pushed up the front by all then people clapping and con graduating me on what I just did. I order and so does Heidi and we both leave with giant smiles on our faces. we both go home and try to get some sleep for the big day waiting for us...

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