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"Hula" I answer
"Honey, u have to come home right now" my mum says
"Y, I'm with Heidi "
"Just come home and bring Heidi"
"Ok be right home" I hang up.
I explain everything to Heidi and we walk to the car.

🌋🌋🌋 back at home🌋🌋🌋

I walk up to the front door and unlock it. I walk in then Heidi. I go into the kitchen to see my brother and my mum talking. Heidi goes into the lounge and sits there while I talk to my mum. "Bunny, u and Heidi are coming with us to... Noosa." My mum says. I stand there shocked, because the other day I got a twitter notification saying the o2l is joining Mickey Murphy in Noosa for the whole holiday. "oh my god mum thank u, when are we going and how long are we staying there for?" I ask. "We are staying there for the whole holiday!" She replies "oh my freaking kangaroo poo days, thank u mum!!!¡" I thank her and run into the living room to where Heidi was sitting...

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