Chapter 12

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We are at Jay mountain and it's daytime. We got here around noon. I've been trying to sleep since we got here but I can't. I looked at the watch Darry got for me for my birthday. It said 4. I need to sleep. I haven't been able to sleep because I was thinking ever since we got here. I heard one of them get up, it was Johnny.

"Brooke what are you doing up."he asked.

"I haven't been able to sleep since we got here Johnny my mind just is going 1000 miles per hour" I rambled. He came to the pew I was in and squatted down next to me.

"B we'll be fine we're men we can try and handle ourselves. You are a very mature woman and doesn't really need a man but your man needs you. Hun you didn't have to come. You had nothing to do with it"he said. I sighed.

"Johnny I would've felt real bad if I didn't come. I guess it's a guilt thing I have. I don't know" I said while standing up. Johnny looked at me fora second then hugged me. I was in shock for a little bit but then hugged back.

"Thank you for being a mom to me"he said while still hugging me.

"It's nothing it comes naturally"I laughed. He also laughed.

"Well I'm glad you came"he said. After he said that I realized that we have to go buy stuff with the 50 bucks Dally gave us.

"Hey Cade we have to go buy stuff to survive"I joked.

"Oh yeah we do have to get food and other stuff"

"Ok then let's go" we were walking back then Johnny turned around and wrote in the dirt 'be back soon' J +B. "Smart" he nodded. We walked to the first store we saw. We walked in and I saw free refills on coffee and I sighed in relief. I pulled out my wallet with my own money and waled to where the coffee was and got the biggest size. I went to the cash register to pay and the cashier was obviously checking me out even though I'm wearing a over sized hoodie and jeans. I gave him the money and ignored him. I went back to Johnny who was filling a crate with stuff. I went over to grab a deck of cards and a book for all of us to read. I couldn't decide on one.

"Ya know Ponyboy was talking about a book. It had something to do with wind"Johnny said while walking towards me with the crate.

"Gone with the Wind?"I guessed.

"Yeah that one"he pointed to it and I grabbed it "He was talking about it awhile back" I smile. He really remembers those type of things.We got all the things we needed and walked back to the church. I chugged 5 cups of coffee when we were there. Luckily I had enough money to buy a coffee grinder and coffee beans. It was cheap but it'll work.We got there and Ponyboy was cleaning up the church. Johnny set the things down on the used to be alter and got everything.

"Why'd you buy peroxide?"Ponyboy asked. Johnny and I looked at each other then looked back at him.

"P I have to dye your hair so you guys won't get caught"I said and his eyes went wide. "I have to cut you hair too" he groaned "Hey Johnny has to have his hair cut too"

"Why can't he dye it?"

"Because his skin tone doesn't match blonde hair. He's tanner than us"I explained. After persuading him for awhile he semi agreed to it. I got out my switch blade to cut his hair. This isn't the first time I've cut hair with a switch blade plenty of times. I would give people in New York hair cuts at recess. I got paid for it too. I got the peroxide to dye his hair. After I was done with his hair I went onto Johnny's hair. Couldn't tell the difference with Johnny but Pony looked like a soc. I gave Pony a broken mirror we found on the ground but you couldn't really see what he looked like so we went outside to the pond to see what they looked like. When Ponyboy saw himself I knew he hated it. I saw myself and I looked like a hobo. Luckily we bought a comb to dye and cut their hair so it could be smooth. We stood there looking at the sunset. Pony and Johnny were talking about some poem. I've never been one for poetry because I've hated my teachers who taught it. I stood there trying not to fall asleep on the spot. I yawned and Johnny and Ponyboy snapped out of their conversation.

"Brooke you should go to sleep you've been awake since we got here" Johnny said and ponyboy's eyes went wide.

"Brooke get your ass in that church and sleep"he demanded.

"Ok Darry"I joked and they laughed. i went inside the church and laid in one of the pew. I curled up in a ball and smelled Dally's sweatshirt one last time before falling asleep. This is gonna be a long week.

~Tuff Love~Dallas WinstonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora