"Correct! 10 points to Slytherin! You will be working with the person your sitting next to! Your ingredients are on your tables! Get to work." He turned around and started to grade papers

Lucky for me partner was Hermione.

"Harry I'm going to get the ingredients stay here. Don't touch anything." She said and walked away.

"I won't..."

I was off in my own world when a paper crane landed in front of me. I knew exactly who it came from! I had gotten another one a year or two back! I opened the crane and you won't believe what this boy drew! It was a picture of him fucking me and him saying 'Take it, Potter!'
I crumbled up the piece of paper and made it disappear.
I looked over at his table and he started HUMPING HIS TABLE! He was even mouthing Take it, Potter! {side note: I just have to say how funny I think this is💀 Malfoy is such a jerk💀💀}

"KNOCK IT OFF MALFOY!" I screamed. He quickly went back to writing as if he wasn't doing anything.


I put my head down and Hermione ran over.

"What was that all about?"

"Nothing, let's just start."

Potions started brewing everyone was very effective. They all were doing it right except Ron and Blaise. Then something hit me. The smell made my stomach turn.
I tried to grab Hermione's arm but it was too late.
Right now I was vomiting on the floor of the potions room.

"HARRY!" Hermione screamed throwing down her ingredients.
The whole room got super quiet, nobody said anything. They were all just watching me.

"What is going on down here!" Snape yelled walking towards us.
I finally sat up and put my head on the table.

"I am so sorry professor! Something is wrong with him! He keeps throwing up, we will leave immediately."

"As you should!" Snape snapped back, cleaning up my mess.

"Come on Harry."

She helped me out of the room and started walking towards the infirmary.

"Oh no, Hermione I don't need to go there." I tried to get away from her but she grabbed me and drug me there.

She pushed open the heavy doors of the infirmary and pushed me on a bed.

"Madam Pomfrey! Harry needs help again!" Hermione shouted.

"Oh dear, what seems to be the trouble!" she said running over.

"Well, you see harry has been having the worst throwing up problem."

"When did this start?"

"2 Days ago."

"When does he throw up?"

"In the morning, before and sometimes after eating, and smells make him throw up."

"Okay, thank you Ms.Granger. It could be a couple of things but Mr.Potter, when was the last time you had a sexual interaction?"

"A what!"

"When was the last time you had sex Mr.Potter."

I felt my face go super red. I didn't really want to answer her! Did I have an STD!

"Well...2 weeks ago.."

"And before that?"

"About 2 weeks and a couple of days."

"Any Blokes?"

I felt my face go even redder! Malfoy was the only one!

"Ummm yes...."

"Well, Mr.Potter mind if I give you an ultrasound?"

"Wait, are you saying he's pregnant!"

"Not sure yet, Ms.Granger," she said walking away.


"Harry, were both boys? Please tell me!"

"I can't tell you Hermione....maybe....maybe not."

Madam Pomfrey walked back in with the ultrasound. She told me to lift my shirt and I did. She tucked this paper in my pants so I didn't get this anywhere else, then put the cold jello-like substance on me. It was quiet for a minute or two them she spoke up.

"Well, Mr.Potter might want to talk to the blokes because you are definitely pregnant."



I felt like I was about to pass out. I couldn't be pregnant. There's no way...

"Madam...a...are you sure?"

"100 percent! Look here," she said pointing at the small blob on the ultrasound. "Would You like a picture?"

I nodded my head yes and she handed me a picture of the screen I had just seen moments ago. I couldn't believe it. I was going to be a father!
The father of Malfoys baby...

"Harry I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks, Hermione, can we not tell anyone yet? I want to keep this a secret for as long as possible."

"Of course Harry, but harry who is the father? You slept with two guys so...which one is the father?"

I couldn't tell her it was Malfoy. There was no way! I mean she would kill me is she found out it was Malfoy! So would ron! Yeah no, I'm not telling her. I'm just going to continue and let her think it was two boys...

"Hermione I can't tell you. I don't really want anyone to know yet. Is that okay?"

"Of course Harry."

Then we got ourselves together and walked out. Guess who I was greeted by? Malfoy.

"Hello Granger, Hello Pot-"

I kept my head down and walked right on past him. I couldn't look at him. I couldn't knowing his baby was inside me right now.
Word Count: 1347
Publish Date: May 5, 2020

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