Ratliff imagine

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Ratliff imagine:

Ratliff: I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I ran downstairs and standing at the stove making pancakes was my friend Mackenzie.

Mackenzie: as I was making pancakes I heard his footsteps and I knew he came down just for the pancakes. As I was making them he came over and started to kiss my neck.

Ratliff: as we finished our pancakes I challenged her to Mario cart. We started to play Mario cart I looked over to her and I got destracted and she won the game. We put our remotes down and we just sat there in silents then I broke the silents by saying "hey Mackenzie do ever get that weird feeling that you are in love with somebody but that person doesn't know that you love them?

Mackenzie: well then just tell them that you love them.

Ratliff: Ok well here I go...Mackenzie Brooke I have loved you since the first day I met you. I always had you on my mind every second of the day no matter how busy I was I always thought of you. So will you take the offer of being my girlfriend?

Mackenzie: OMG Ratliff I don't know what to say...YES!!!!

Ratliff: after that moment I had her with me I was happy I leaned in and I kissed her and it had fireworks.

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