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"No one else is home Ell! We can hold hands in the living room," Rydel said, taking his hand. "I just don't want anyone walking in on us and taking it the wrong way," Ellington shrugged, looking around the room one last time. "We're fine," Rydel said, "Don't be so nervous," She smiled, leaning over to kiss him. He leaned in to kiss her, pushing her over and he was on top of her kissing her and tickling her just enough to make her giggle. "You're so cute," She said, poking his nose. "Not as cute as you," He sung. "You're so cheesy," She laughed, pulling his shirt to kiss him again. His hand reached up to her hair, tangling his hands in it as they kissed on the couch. "Whoa baby!" They heard a voice say from beside them.
"Rocky, oh my god, dude," Ellington jumped back, "You scared me," He said, following Rocky's eyes as he went to sit down on the chair in front of them. "Well, well, well," He paused, "What do we have here?" He asked, looking from Rydel to Ellington. "Just don't tell anyone!" Rydel said, looking straight into Rocky's eyes. He eyed Rydel and then looked over to the flustered brunette sitting next to her. "I can't say I promise," Rocky teased, "But I'll keep it on the down low," He winked. "Rocky..." She pleaded, "Come on,"
"I said I'd keep it hush, hush RyDEL!" He accented the Del part. "But first, I wanna know a couple things," He smiled, "How long has this been going on?" He raised his eyebrows. "3 months," Rydel spilled. "Ohhhh," Rocky smiled, "So it did start on tour, I knew it," "You what?" Ratliff asked, "You knew?" "I mean I didn't KNOW, know, but I knew." He laughed, "I had a feeling," He said. "Just don't let anyone else find out?" Rydel begged. "Find out what?" Ross asked, walking into the living room. Rydel sighed, "What is up with you people and quiet entries today! Where did you come from?" "The same car as Rocky, we just went to lunch," He smiled.
"Find out what?" He asked again. "About, um," Rydel looked at Ratliff, "Riker's birthday present," She concluded, looking at Ross. "But Riker's birthday isn't for another six months?" He questioned, crossing his arms. "We wanted a head start. And it's a big secret surprise." She said. "Well, what is it?" He asked enthusiastically. "It's um," She started and the door opened, "Hey, guys, I'm home!" Riker said. "Sorry can't tell you now!" She smiled, saved. "That's how you enter a house, by TELLING people you're here, Rocky." Rocky rolled his eyes, "Sorry I snuck up on you, I wasn't aware you'd be doing something sneaky," He teased.
Rydel's cheeks got pink, "Anyone wanna watch a movie?" She asked looking around the room, "I'll go get it," She perked up, doing to get the movie. She came back with their DVD case and set it on the floor in front of the other boys. Ross went to sit in her spot and Rocky watched him, "Ross," He said, "Let Rydel sit next to Ellington," He winked at Ellington, who looked angry at him and blushed hard. "Um," Ross said, looking at both of their mortified faces, "Okay?" He sat back on the floor, looking at Rocky. Rocky smiled, leaning back in his chair.
"What about The Avengers?" Riker asked excitedly. "Sounds good," Rocky smiled, "As long as there is no romance, I've seen enough of that today, haven't I?" He looked at Rydel, who put her face in her hands. "Geez Rocky, you might as well just tell them," Ross looked at Rocky, so did Riker. "What?" Ross said, "Tell us you two are together?" Ross asked. "You know?" Ellington questioned. "I saw you two in the back yard two weeks ago kissing in the pool." He laughed, "I just let you do your thing and figured you'd tell me when you were ready." Riker looked at them also, "I knew because when I answered Rydel's phone the other day and didn't say anything he said, 'Babe,'" Riker did his Ellington impression, " 'Our date is tonight at 7, you gonna sneak out or I can come get you and tell you we're meeting friends.' Then I asked Ross and he told about the pool thing and we put two and two together."
"Sorry we didn't tell you all, we just didn't know how you'd react," Rydel said, looking down. "It's all good," Rocky said, "I'm just surprised they knew and kept it from me. Way to keep me in on things guys!" He scolded playfully. Ryland walked into the room from upstairs and bad an empty popcorn bowl in his hand. "Ryland you're home?" Riker asked. "Yeah," He said, sickly. "Did you hear Rydel and Ellington's news?" He asked with a big smile on his face. "Yeah," Ryland said, "I heard them alright. I've been home the whole time," He said, making kissy faces and noises. Rydel and Ellington blushed, "Sorry," Rydel apologized for the hundredth time that day. Ellington kissed her cheek, putting his arm around her, "I'm not even sorry," He smiled, settling in with them to watch the movie.

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