Chapter 28 - Definitive

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The next day, I woke up thinking about her. The desire and the effort that I was doing for our relationship had me back in there, behind her steps. A call made me very happy, but it was not from Zoe

- Sebas? It's me, Pedro.

-Hello Pedro.

-I want you to do me a favor. Alonso will be on vacation, and I want you to dedicate the whole week to the financing of the project. You'll have to go to the financial every day, so you can meet with Cleidy. You met her a while ago, right? - Pedro asked me.

"Yes, of course," I answered, "the day I accompanied Alonso."

-Perfect, then I count on you.

-Of course, I'll do it. Don't worry.

As soon as I hung up the phone I felt very happy. I would go all week to the financial, to the place where Zoe worked. The same day I called her and asked her to have lunch together.

I arrived and went by Zoe's place. I kissed her on the cheek, and we smiled; then, I greeted all her co-workers. Definitively, everybody realized that something was happening between us. At that moment, Cleidy appeared, who was very pretty.

-Hi Sebas. Come to my office to talk," she said.

Cleidy made me enter her office and took out the project papers, although she seemed to regret it.

-Tell me, how have you been?

I told her some things about work and gatherings with some friends. She, very entertaining, began to tell me about her daily routine, her enjoyment for the movies, and that she was alone, for this reason she used to go out only with girlfriends. I smiled, waiting for her to take back the project papers, but instead said: "Maybe one day, leaving here, we can go for a coffee, alright? " I only managed to answer: "Yes, there is no problem".

Fortunately, after my cold response, we started to see the papers. After a few hours I said goodbye to her, without being able to prevent her gaze from intimidating me. I went by Zoe's desk to pick her up and go to the usual restaurant.

Again, we were holding hands, although there was a detail that changed: she no longer told me she loved me. I tried to think that she took this stage as a process to know me and really fall in love.

As the days passed, Cleidy was getting more into details about her life, while I just waited for lunch time to go for Zoe. However, something strange was happening to her: she did not tell me how she was doing with him nor that she loved me. There I was, happy to see her and evading reality when I was not at her side.

In one of the lunches, Zoe was somewhat conflicted.

Again she came up with the argument that I had many girl friends and surely some of them wanted to be with me. As a coincidence, Alonso, who was on vacation, invited me to a reunion in his apartment to which friends in common would attend.

-Zoe, do you want to come with me? I asked, trying to reduce the tension.

I got a "yes" in response, something that surprised me extremely, as there were very few times that she could go out with me at night

I went to pick her up. As always, she was beautiful. A sober and elegant dress drew her body. I tried to kiss her as soon as I saw her, but the fear that someone saw us made her dodge me. We got into the car and went to the reunion.

When we arrived at Alonso's house, the terrace was already full. Most guests had preferred to go directly from work, so we were almost the last ones to arrive. It was a place very warm and cozy, dim lights, soft music, smiles, conversation, and drinks.

We entered holding hands and everyone turned to see who was the pretty girl who came with me. There were Alonso and Karen, two of my greatest friends. We greet everyone and in their eyes you could read the joy they shared with me, except Karen's.

We were sitting in a big circle. Zoe was holding my hand with a certain shyness; suddenly, I realized that we had become the topic of conversation of the party. The classics «And did you meet», «how long have you been together», «you make a beautiful couple» they made Zoe to loosen up a little and to start giving me some kisses and caresses.

Karen's strange look did not go unnoticed by Zoe, who asked me to sit a little further away. As soon as we moved away, she began to kiss me freely, but a few

minutes later I was surprised to see that the angle we were in was in front of Karen.

Zoe stood up and asked meto dance. Even though there was few people, we moved very close to eachother and to the beat of the music. She took my arms and from time to timeshe put her hands on my chest; with each hug, I felt that I reached hersoul.

That night was divine. Once again the universe revolved around us. The guests of the party had witnessed soft caresses, loving looks, and sweet smiles. It was amazing

see how Zoe was so surrendered, as if we were officially lovers and in society; it didn't matter if anyone in that reunion knew her fiancé.

That sublime moment only ended when she asked me to her to home. This time it did not hurt, I just smiled and thought that my heart could not bear so much love in a single night. It had been enough.

I left her in the plaza, very close to her house. She looked tired, and I could only steal a few kisses. Already in my house, lying on bed, I felt more in love than ever. Until a message made me abandon those thoughts: "Did not you realize that she just wanted to mark territory? Fool!".

It was Karen.

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