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LOCATION: Pledis Entertainment Main Building, Offices
DATE: Tuesday, July 12th, 2016
TIME: Midday

italics = japanese dialogue

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

LEE HAEUN'S HEELS CLICKED on the floor as she walked down the halls of Pledis Entertainment. Her gait was strong, a couple people she passed by instantly got out of her way as she came up to the CEO's office door.

Haeun stopped, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. In the air came, out the air went. She repeated. In... and out. In and out. She finally opened her eyes.

She looked down at herself, starting to straighten out her clothes that consisted of a loose long sleeve light purple blouse, a tight ━ but comfortable ━ black skirt that fell just passed mid thigh, and black high heels. She made sure her shirt was buttoned up correctly and that her skirt didn't lift up. She then left her right hand, formed it into a fist, and knocked on the door three times.

It took a handful of seconds before a mans voice yelled out. "Come in!"

Haeun instantly opened the door. She was met with a big office. To the left was a small table surrounded by a couch a two chairs. To her right was a conference table. In front of her was a big desk and it was occupied by the CEO, Han Sungsoo.

Haeun stepped forward and closed the door behind her before facing the CEO again. For a few seconds, the two only made eye contact. It wasn't an awkward one, not at all, but for Haeun, it was more to say 'I'm ready for what ever you're about to give me'. So Han Sungsoo nodded at Haeun, motioning her to sit in the seat in front of his desk. And that she did.

"Nice to see you, sir." Haeun said as she at, briefly shaking hands with the CEO.

"Nice to see you, too, Miss Haeun. How has life been treating you?" He asked in his serious, slightly monotone voice.

Haeun nodded her head. "It's been going good recently. Co-managing Seventeen was something to add to my life, it was fun, and I'd like to thank you for giving me the opportunity." She said. Haeun was a staff under Pledis who mainly did office work. But in May, she was tasked to become a co-manager of the boy group Seventeen, who had lost a manager after they quit due to personal reasons. The CEO gave her the job, and it had been three weeks since it ended. But what she didn't know, was why she was given the task in the first place.

Han Sungsoo nodded as a way to say you're welcome. "So, I'm assuming you're wondering why you're here?" He asked, resting his arms on his desk.

"Yes, I am..." Haeun stopped, and saw a look overcome the CEO's face. "What's wrong? Has something happened?"

The CEO leaned back and sighed. "Haeun, you have been a great part of this company for the past 3 years, you truly have. Managing our Seventeen proved that in a short time, you can deal with the hardships of managing a big group, and I give you credit for it. That was a test to see if someone with the past you have can do things like that, and you proved you can."

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