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MGK's (pov)

3 hours went by without a single word from any of the doctors. The girls and the crew showed up with Garry, and we have all been waiting ever since. Everyone spoke trying to keep them distracted but I never spoke. I sat there with my head in my hands, bobbing my leg up and down trying to calm me down. Nothing was working.
"Family of Camila Russo?"one of the doctors said, as everyone's head shot up. "That would be us" Garry said.
"Follow me" the doctor said he never gave us a smile his tone was dull which made me think he was about to tell us some bad news. Everyone stood up walking with the doctor. He took us to the 3rd floor before stopping in front of a door. "We had to pump ms Russo's stomach to get all of the drugs out of her system, we got out at least 17 pills out. She lost a lot of blood causing her to go into Hypovolemic shock." He paused for a minute. "Ms Russo also lost her pulse for 4 minutes, she isn't awake just yet so we don't know if that has caused any damage to the brain. She will wake up but it's just a matter of when" he finished, as a small sigh of relief came from my mouth, she was going to be fine.
"You can go in but not too many people around her bed at once" he said before walking away. I put my hand on the door handle but I didn't move. "everything's going to be fine" Garry said behind me. I slowly walked into the room as the beeping from the monitor made me feel uneasy.
My eyes fixed on the love of my life all wired up to different machines. Her eyes closed looking so peaceful. I scanned her full body seeing her right arm all bandage up from the massive gash that brought her here but the other was on show. Her naturally tanned skin was now almost the same colour as the white bed sheets.
I took a set next to the bed as everyone said a few words, I didn't really pay attention I just stared at her until someone put their hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Garry. "Well give you some space" he said as I gave him a small nod before everyone left the room.
I sat there in silence for a bit, then I moved the chair closer to cams bed as I took her hand into mine as I let out a small sob as a tear come down my face. I looked down at the floor, "I'm sorry" I said. "This is my fault. I should of fought for you, I shouldn't have left you to deal with everything alone. Please wake up soon, I miss you soo much, I miss that smile, I miss your laugh that you would do at me acting stupid. The past week has been torture without you in it, and I plan on never doing that again. Casie can't stop asking about you, you've made a massive impact in her life you know. She says she now wants to become a tattoo artist like you." I said letting out a soft giggle thinking back to Casie and cammy running around the house together. "I'm not ever leaving you side again, if you have to go somewhere I'm coming. Next year when I go on tour your coming with me. Maybe even perform with me. I can't wait for you to wake up so I can finally tell you that I love you, and not that fake love. I mean that I truly love you" I said as I looked back up at her giving her hand a small kiss.

 I mean that I truly love you" I said as I looked back up at her giving her hand a small kiss

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It's been 6 days since Cam was brought to the hospital and she hasn't woken up yet. I've tried staying with her as much as I can, I come as soon as visiting hours start and I don't leave until someone tells me to.
Garry sat in the chair next to me as we both watched her chest move up and down. "How's your daughter?"he asked.
"She's good, I was supposed to be back home in Cleveland looking after her but her mom said it was fine for me to stay here for Camila. But I'm going to fly Casie over here. I miss her and she misses Cam a lot" I said.
"She was always upset that she never had a family when she was younger. I still remember the day her father left her. she cried on my lap for hours and all I said was ' family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what'." He said. "She some times forgets this and doesn't realise she has the best family right in front of her. The girls, the boys, Annie, Drew, Casie, me and most importantly you colson" he said. My eyes a little watery, I stood up giving him a hug. "Thanks so much" I said.
"Thank you, look after her for me" he said. Leaving for work.

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