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Waking up the next morning to loud as fuck music coming from the kitchen. Heading towards it, I soon find all the girls around the kitchen making food and singing along to the song playing while making food.
I jump onto the kitchen counter as Lucy passed me a half smoked joint, she continues to sing along. "How do you guys have this much energy in the morning?" I say watching them come to a stop from dancing, while I rub my eyes trying to get the sleep out. They all turned around to face as if I grew two heads. "What?" I ask.
"Dude are you for real?" G said.
"It's 2pm, you slept for 11 hours."Maddie said.
"Plus we have the concert tonight, I'm hyper as fuck for it." Lucy says.
"So how much did you made last night?" G asks.
"I think around $900." I say.
"We are gonna have one crazy night." Lucy said.
"I'll text Ryan to drop off an ounce." I say grabbing my phone. We sat for a good while eating, chatting, smoking and listing to Machine Gun Kells music.

Hearing the a knock from the front door, then the door opening.
Seeing Ryan walk through the kitchen door I get off of the counter and go to hug him.
"How's my favourite drug dealer?" I ask.
"I'm good, how's my favourite buyers doing?" He says matching my sarcastic tone.
We talked for a bit before he handed us the weed and I gave him the money. "We might need to call you later on tonight if that's okay" I say not really meaning it as a question because I always knew he was out late at night making money. "Anything for my favourite girls." He says before hugging us and leaving to go sell to someone else.

Ryan and I have known each other for a long time, we both worked for the same person, Lucas king, but that was back when I was involved with selling drugs and other things.
Lucas was part of a well known gang around the streets of our neighbourhood. Ryan still sells for Lucas but I stoped that a couple years back for a reason I don't like to talk about.
Lucas is currently on a search for me because he thinks I stole some of his stash, when actually I never. Also I watched his commit murder, so he wants to find me soon as possible.

Once Ryan left, we all began to get ready for the concert. Grabbing a grey shirt and matching trousers, putting a couple chains on them rings.

 Sitting down at my desk I quickly pre rolled a few joints out of the ounce we just bought, then placed them into a bum bag along with my cigarettes, the rest of the weed and some money

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Sitting down at my desk I quickly pre rolled a few joints out of the ounce we just bought, then placed them into a bum bag along with my cigarettes, the rest of the weed and some money. Placing my phone and lighter in my back pocket.

It was around 6 pm by the time the rest of the girls were ready, we all agreed to get there a little early to try and get as close as possibly knowing those are the best place to stand.
We got into the car heading to the local corner store first to get drink and food for waiting in line.

Parking my car outside of joes restaurant, only a two blocks away from the venue. Once we go to the line where there was a couple people in front of us blasting Maching Gun Kelly's music from a speaker they had with them.
By the time the doors were open, the girls and I were cross faded, drunk and stoned. We still had a few bottles of jack Daniels in the car waiting for us.
Getting into the venue we were able to get right in front of the barrier off to the left hand side.

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