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MGK's (pov)

Camila's phone began to ring, she quickly picked it up with a smile on her face when she answered it. "Hey Ryan." She said. My mind instantly started to question who Ryan was,  "yeah, my car is parked next to joes. Just meet us there" she said.
"okay see you soon" she said ending the phone call. She looked back at the girls, "where is Lucy?" she said, as they all looked around. Then a small figure appeared from around the corner, "hey guys look what I found again" she said pulling two shopping carts beside her. "no fucking way" Maddie said.
"I call shot gun again" cam shouted jumping back into the cart. Lucy got behind her and started pushing her down the small hill.
Once they got down to the bottom, they all stopped and turned around looking back up at the top of the street where me and the boys stood.
"come on boys" Lucy shouted.
"loosen up" Maddie shouted.
"have the wild boys retired or something?" Cam said just loud enough for us to hear. The boys and I looked at each other, "these girls are insane." Slim said.
"come on lets show them who the wild boys really are" Rook said as he walked towards them. Once we were at the bottom of the hill, cam had Lucy in the shopping cart while Lucy screamed her lungs off. "let me out" Lucy said.
"nope its drifting time" Cam said spinning the cart around in circles. Maddie and G were rolling on the floor dying of laughter. "Cammy stop ill be sick again" Lucy said as cam stopped and let her crawl out of the cart. "see the next time I'm in that death trap you call a car and you do a repeat of last night I will be sick all over the paint job." Lucy said.
"You dare." Cammy say.
"Try me." Lucy says before laughing.

There was small giggles coming from the girls. There was a few seconds of silence before a 1964 Impala parked next to us and a man came out.

 There was a few seconds of silence before a 1964 Impala parked next to us and a man came out

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"Ryan" cam said running towards him and jumping into his arms. "why are you so happy to see me? You saw me this morning" he replied placing her back on her feet. "sorry that i miss my best friend, we never hang out anymore unless im buying stuff off of you" cam said.
"i know im sorry" he said"anyway so, how's my favourite girls doing?" he asked as he gave the girls a hug. "a little fucked up but what's different" Maddie said. he giggles then pulls out a baggie from his pocket, "it's a half ounce" he said. cam took it from him and placed it into her bag.

"so which one is your boyfriend?" he said looking at me and the boys then back at cam. "none, you know I dont get involved with boys" she replied pushing him a bit as he laughed. "you know im just looking out for you" he said, he got back into the car and rolled down the window. We're we stood back by Cammy went up to his window leaning over a little. "im guessing you know about Lucas" he said as I saw he had a worry look in his eyes. "yes I heard hes back in town" cam said getting a little tense, "please be careful, I don't want to lose another one of my friends to the streets again." Ryan said. "please text me you know I get worried when I don't hear from you" he continued.
"its fine, im fine, I can look after myself." cam said with sad tone.
He nodded then drove away leaving us in silence but it wasn't awkward it was peaceful. "so, are we going to the den?" Maddie asked trying to change the subject and lighten the mood. "yeah, we will have to do two trips in the car since there are too many of us. So kells, Maddie, dub and slim are the first trip." cam said.
"so what car is yours?" I asked.
"I'm guessing it's the Prius over there" slim said looking across the street. A smile grew on cammy's face as she took out a set off car keys and clicked the bottom making a car go off behind us. Cam slowly walked by us and stood next to a car; my jaw dropped.
"that's yours" I asked. She didn't say anything she just opened the door and climbing in the driver's seat turning on the engine making it roar. "ford mustang 1967 " I said looking at the car admiring it. "you own this?" rook said.
"practically built her myself" I said, the four of us got into the car. Once I sat down in the passenger seat and closed the door, not even a second later we were going 60 miles per hour around corners and even faster on straight roads. I turned around looking at dub in the back holding on to the seat for dear life. I looked at cam in the driver's seat, her eyes focused on the road. She was in her element I could tell. She took a sharp right turning into a parking lot stopping in front of an abandoned supermarket.

Cam took a joint out of her bum bag and passed it to me, then took one out for herself

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Cam took a joint out of her bum bag and passed it to me, then took one out for herself. We all got out of the car then cam drove off going to go collect the reset of everyone.
"welcome to the den, just follow me" Maddie said. we walked into the abandoned building going to the back to a set of stairs. We headed up them and got to a door that opened to the roof. There was a small area where there was a roof with a couple of camping chairs. We sat down smoking the joint while Maddie told us about cams obsession with her car.
Suddenly there was a loud roar of an engine, "come watch this" Maddie said moving to sit over the ledge of the wall. Me dub and slim joined her. Cams car came drifting sideways into the parking lot before doing a couple of donuts then coming to a stop.

Smoke and the smell of burning rubber filled the air and the rest of them came out of the car, laughing as Lucy looked like she wanted to be sick

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Smoke and the smell of burning rubber filled the air and the rest of them came out of the car, laughing as Lucy looked like she wanted to be sick.

Rook opened the roof door bragging about how cool it was. "Dude, what was so fucking fun, you need to teach me how to do that one day?" He said.
"Yeah I don't mind teaching you" cammy replied.
"How did you learn to drive like that?" Slim asked.
"yeah that was some next level crazy shit" Dub said.
"my father couldn't afford a babysitter, so I went to work with him at the local garage. The shop has a side business that does loads of modifications for street racing and drifting, so I was brought up with it." She answered. We spoke back and forth a little bit about different cars, "dudes I've got a good idea" Lucy said.
"what?" cam said.
"we should play never have I ever to get to know each other" Lucy said.
"hell, yeah I'm down, but one problem we have nothing to drink." Rook said.

suddenly the girls got up off of the seats and began to walk away. "wait here, we will be back" cam said heading downstairs. "dude this is one weird night but I'm liking it at the same time" Slim said.
"yeah, I like these girls they are wild" Dub said.
"they are like the girl version of us guys." I said.
Then we heard laughter come from behind as the girls started walking towards us. They each had two bottles each in their hands. "I hope you guys like jack Daniels and Cîroc" cam said holding the bottles up in the air before sitting back down. We all got a bottle each.


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