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Just a second warning that this chapter may contain a touchy subject for some people. I'm approaching it carefully as that's how it will be approached in the scene so I don't think it'll be jarring for anyone, but maybe relatable for some. I'll add a little blurb at the end of this about how it's relatable for me as it's not exactly the same.

"Did you kill your ex?" Wire asked a little too seriously.

"No." You giggled. "No I didn't kill anyone."

"You've gone to jail for something."


"Youuuu aren't really a Charlotte."

"Drivers license says otherwise." You couldn't help but laugh more. It was cute how much he wanted to guess it.

"Okay, I give up, what is it?" He nuzzled along the mark he left on your neck, brushing his lips against it gently and occasionally flicking his tongue out to wet it again.

"Hold on tiger." You grabbed his face and made him look back at you. "You gotta pay attention, this is important."

"Okay." All traces of playfulness left his face as he let you back him into a tree.

You traced along his muscles as you gathered your thoughts. It was important to get this figured out before you started talking.

"My family likes to say there's nothing more important than family and that somehow translates into this weird obsession for there to be a lot of us. I've got a lot of siblings and more than a handful of nieces and nephews. My mom expects every one of her kids that gets married to have kids too."

"It's a little early to be suggesting kids isn't it?" Wire asked.

"No, well, yes." You frowned. "I need to know if you ever want them, your own kids."

"It's too early for me to think about that. We're still young (Y/n) and trying to get our own lives together. What's all this about?"

"I–" You couldn't meet his gaze as you steadied yourself and spoke again. "I won't ever be able to have kids. Ever. If that's something you decide you want in the future, I can't give it to you."

"You're infertile."


And it hurt. You were supposed to be a woman. You'd thought about having kids before, maybe even wanted them to some extent. But knowing you couldn't do what most other women could, that hurt. You had all the right parts but none of them worked. The day you learned, you cried harder than you ever had. And at first it wasn't even about how much your own mother would hate you for it. It was simply because you felt like an important part of you was missing.

It was after that you realized how badly the news would be handled by the rest of your family. Your mother would never want to look at you again. Your sisters would treat you like damaged goods. Your brothers would radiate disappointment. You wouldn't be disowned but you'd be the black sheep of the family in the worst kind of way.

You could put up with your ex. You couldn't put up with how much worse things would have been if you stayed. What other choice did you have? Packing up and leaving just worked better. Disappointment would be worse than the anger they felt now. You could handle their anger.

"It is what it is." Wire pulled you in for a hug, squeezing you gently. "It doesn't change how I feel about you and if we reach a point in the future when you want kids with me, we can look into other options. But this doesn't define you, so don't let it."

A Second Chance (Wire X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now