The Search Begins

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You didn't want to call him back but you couldn't not either. It was like a watching a train wreck when you hit the button and held the phone to your ear, you wanted to stop yourself but you couldn't.

He picked up immediately.

"(Y/n)." Deep, stern baritone. He wasn't angry, but definitely not happy.

"Kata." You almost choked on his name.

"What're you doing?"

"Well I was going to get lunch..." Right. Casual.

"You know that's not what I mean."

"I couldn't stay."

"You left without saying a word to anyone."

"I left notes."

"They didn't explain anything and you know it."

"I didn't feel obligated to explain myself." Your voice shook ever so slightly as you raised your voice.

Your damn neighbor was peeking through a window at you. She stopped coming out when you were so friendly every time the guys were over. You didn't like being watched so you headed back inside for some privacy.

"Not even to your own family?" He asked.

"None of you could understand."

"Try me. I've just about heard it all from the rest of our siblings."

This was why you could never ignore Katakuri. He wasn't just your big brother, he was one of the only siblings that actually cared enough to push for answers, even when you didn't want him to. But you couldn't give him the truth. At least not all of it.

"I-he and I weren't going to work out. Everything was just...."

"I know." He growled. "It was a bad match from the beginning but you know how mama is."

And that was why Katakuri was also hard to confide in. What mama says goes and he was a very firm believer in that. You had always been a bit more on the rebellious end of things.

"I shouldn't have to live with that just because she wants me to. It's my life Kata, not hers."

"It was supposed to benefit the family."

"What? So I give up myself so everyone else can live the easy life? That's a bit selfish isn't it?"

"Watch it (Y/n)...."

"No. I'm tired of giving up literally everything for other people. I left because it's about damn time I started living for myself. You wouldn't understand that Kata, all of you older siblings never had to give up so much. Mama left that job for the rest of us."

"That's not-"

"Ask Pudding how she feels about about already having a fiancee at 16. She's set to get married the day she turns 18 to a man she's literally never even met." You felt tears welling up and your voice waver. "She doesn't get a single day of freedom but that's okay as long as you can continue on with your happy little life."

"...Pudding is doing what she needs to for the family and you will too. He's agreed to make things work if you will."

Katakuri usually wasn't so cold, so adamant about things like this. Even if he sided with mama, he was usually kind enough to offer some form of comfort. Apparently not today.

"He can go fuck himself." You spat. Now you were getting angry. So much for being a caring big brother.

"You're not making this any easier for any of us."

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