A Getaway

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"Why is all this coming with us?"

They insisted that you'd bring your car along with their truck and were now shoving your vehicle full of bedding and alcohol. You weren't sure if you liked where this was going.

"We do this every once in a while. We go out past town and kinda have our own little party." Heat said, wedging a bottle of Jäger between a couple pillows. "There's a lot of drinking so we stay the night in the truck, and your car too tonight. It's hard to fit five people in one vehicle."

"Oh, okay." It was a good thing you didn't have anything planned tomorrow.

Kind of "camping" for the night with a few good looking men didn't sound like a bad deal. Especially when you still had the hots for one of them. He may be pissed with you by the end of the night, or maybe not. You'd have to see how things played out.

Right now, Wire was busy helping Kid stack up some extra wood in the back of their truck and cinching it down. He and Heat had gone and picked up some old pallets from behind the local grocery store that were going to be tossed. They had some extra bits of scrap wood in their backyard they filled in the gaps with. From the looks of it, they were planning on burning a lot of stuff well into the night.

You were no pyromaniac, but you were excited to set some stuff on fire. It wasn't something you'd been allowed to do in the past and new experiences were always fun. At your request, the guys had tossed a bag of marshmallows into one of the vehicles. It'd be a crime to have a bonfire and not roast marshmallows.

"Is that everything?" You asked as Killer came out with even more alcohol. The car wasn't going to be able to hold much more. It was practically already bursting at the seams with bedding and drinks.

"I think so, unless you've got any other requests."

"Nothing I can think of." You shook your head.

"How about condoms?" He whispered, nudging you suggestively. "There'll be plenty of space for you too to get 'lost' in."

"No!" You whisper yelled back, blushing hard. "That is so not happening tonight!"

"Have some class." Heat grumbled and headed off to finish helping Kid and Wire.

"Just a suggestion." Killer raised his hands in defeat. "Take your time with this then. As long as you talk to him tonight, I'm sure things will go in that direction eventually."

"Why is that the most important thing on your mind?" You asked with a huff.

"It'll make more sense after you talk with him, trust me."

You watched him suspiciously, waiting for him to add something else but he met your stare boldly and smiled. Nothing strange going on here.

"We good to go or what?" Kid barked.

"We're good." Killer answered.


"Yeah, I'm all set." As much as you could be for a spur of the moment night out.

You'd sent Smoker a text, letting him know where you'd be and you felt fine with it all. If there was one thing your family taught you that you still found important, it was to always let someone know where you'd be if you were planning on heading out somewhere. It was supposed to be a good way to keep safe but it was funny how that was the one thing you never did for your family when you left. Life lessons at their finest.


You followed the truck to their little spot. Heat rode with you in the only other open seat in the car while the other three had piled in the truck together. It had a large enough cabin to fit all of them, but he said he would've felt bad letting you drive by yourself. As scary as he looked, Heat had a big heart.

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