16: First Trimester

Start from the beginning

"Yeah," he replied. "My mom wants to come in, is that alright?"

"Yeah, but only if she promises to leave if I have to puke again."

Greyson looked at the bathroom door as Irabella walked in with a kind, knowing smile. "I'm sorry, darling. I had really bad morning sickness too, but it didn't start until much later. It's probably because you're human." Irabella sat in front of Marisol. "When I was pregnant with Greyson, Jell-O and lemons helped a lot with nausea. Would you like to try it?"

"I'll try anything," Marisol mumbled.

After eating something, she started to feel better and by 10 she was able to go to the office. When she returned home from work, it seemed like the entire pack was up in arms. Brad had gone home so it was only her and Tala. Her guards had escorted her in, as usual, but Marisol could feel Nolan tense next to her.

"What is it?"

"Alpha is not happy."

Her eyes furrowed. He never called Grey Alpha. "What? Why?" She winced, hearing something break from upstairs.

"Apparently, strategic planning isn't going so smoothly."

"Luna, Alpha wants us to take you back out for a little."

Marisol turned toward Abigail's voice. "What? Why?"

"He's in a very bad mood," Nolan explained.

Marisol stood, thinking. Wasn't this a relationship? Shouldn't she stay and help him out? "Is he okay?"


"Okay, well let me go put my briefcase in my room and I'll come back down." Tala led her upstairs to their room. As she entered, she felt something crush under her feet and she knelt down to see what it was. It felt like paper. She picked it up and set it down next to her briefcase She took off her heels and changed into a more comfortable outfit. She could hear shouting coming from Grey's office. When she was finished getting dressed, she walked down the hall. The door was open already, so she leaned against the doorframe. Grey was screaming at someone, but she didn't bother trying to understand what he was shouting. She was pretty sure it wasn't all in English.

She didn't wince from the shouting. She was kind of used to it because of her father. She knew to just stay silent until he was done. She stepped in, though, when she heard something splinter. "Greyson?" She walked in, stepping on something. She ran into something by accident. He must have completed wrecked his office. "Come here."

"Not now, Marisol," he sighed. "You shouldn't even be here."

"Greyson, come here right now. I don't know where to go because you destroyed your office so you have to come to me."

She could hear him sigh. After a few seconds she could feel his large stature in front of her. She placed her hand on his chest and felt her way down to his hand. She started pulling him out of his office with a little resilience from Grey.

"What are you doing?"

Marisol took him to their room and shut the door behind them. She took off her shoes and started taking off his suit jacket.


"Has anyone asked you how you're doing?"


"Take off your jacket and shoes," she ordered before finding her way to the bed. She climbed on it and laid down, waiting for him. When she felt the bed dip, she opened her arms and pulled Greyson onto her chest. She ran her fingers through his hair. After a few minutes, he calmed down and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"No one ever asks how you are. Are you okay?"

"No more people can die during my reign. I feel like I'm responsible."

"You aren't, Greyson. Look at me, everything will be okay. I promise. And even if things go sideways, you'll have me."

As she laid there with her mate in her arms, she suddenly realized that this was probably the first time he had ever been cared for like this. Men needed affection and attention too. He deserved to be asked how he was doing just like he asked everyone else. His mental health mattered.

"We are going to stay here until you tell me you're okay. And not just mediocre okay, but okay okay. Does that make sense?"

She could feel him smile. "Not at all."

"Eh, you'll know what I mean," she laughed softly. "And then you are going to go take a long, warm shower. Once you're finished, come downstairs."

Twenty minutes later, Greyson was up and undressing to shower. As he was washing up, she laid out clean sweatpants and his favorite slippers. She didn't want to touch the mess because she didn't know what was important, so she just went downstairs. His favorite meal was raw venison. It made her stomach turn, but he loved it.

She stood in the living room, unsure where Nolan was. So she sighed, calling his name. "Nolan?"

"Yes, Luna?"

She jumped. She wasn't expecting him to be so close. "What time is it?"


"Can you get the other guards and come into the kitchen?"

"Yes, but why?"

She winked before leaving the living room. In the kitchen, she went into the fridge and took out a six-pack of beers. She smiled as the guards came in, all greeting her. "All of you have been working so hard," she said. "Greyson included. So tonight you are going to drink and then go for a hunt. Have fun," she stressed. "Greyson won't want to go too far with his best so have fun around the packhouse. Once you have eaten, come back and we'll play pool and stuff."

Silence filled the room. They weren't used to taking orders from Marisol, but after a moment they realized that she was Luna.

"If Luna says to get drunk and party, then imma get drunk and party!"

Marisol laughed from Axel's comment.  


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