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America's POV

"Guten Tag Amerika, Come in!"

I hesitantly walked in, waiting for Russia to catch up and get out of his car.

"Hey Germany, you too Poland"

As I stepped inside there house and adjusted from the brightness of outside, I noticed that both Germany and Poland seemed quite flushed. It's almost like they had been doing something beforehand...

I quickly brushed it off as we all sat in their living room.

The room was quite organized and had a nice orange aesthetic. Nothing like me and Russia's apartment.

I briefly chuckled as I remembered the time Russia fumed because I left my boxers in the bathroom

Poland must have caught on to this because he asked "Um, so I assume you and Russia have been getting along fine?"

"Yes."  "Not so much.."


Narrator's POV

America stared at Russia dumbfounded, but Russia refused to look at him.

"And why is that?" America asked confused

"Why should I tell you, it's not like you tell me anything."

There was an uncomfortable silence that seemed to suffocate the room, despite it's warm aesthetic.

"I'll go make s-some tea" Germany said breaking the silence and trying to ease the tension

"W-what do mean..?" America silently pleaded for Russia not to say anything.

Russia inhaled, so that he wouldn't seem threatening and began.

"You leave for days on end, tell no one and come back with bruises, when I ask you, you either shrug it off or straight up lie!"

America glanced at Poland seemingly begging for him to be on his side. 

"Russia you have to respect his boundaries, he's his own perso-" Poland started but was interrupted

"This is between America and I" Russia said coldly.

"What this is," Germany started softly "is excessive."

Germany put the tea on the table, pouring everyone a cup.

"It's ginger chamomile, eases the nerves" Germany said softly "Now change of subject, how's the job going for you Russia?"

"Ok, I guess..." Russia said, still reeling from the conversation.

"And America, how's your relationship with Mexico"


Russia's POV

I glanced at America didn't expect to see his response as too much, but I saw something concerning

First, his faced flashed fear

Then, disgust

And finally, it became unreadable

"He's...we're...I'd prefer not to talk about it."

"Ok sure." Germany said quickly

I'm gonna need to ask him


Sorry have online school, but ill be back bbs


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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