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Russia's POV

I scrambled to my room looking for the best outfit I could wear going to Germany's, I wanted something not to formal, but I don't want to look like I just woke up.

Germany was one of my good friends, he was always there for me and had a good sense of humor.

For some reason though, whenever both of us hung out with Poland, he'd stutter all the time and acted on edge. ( Y E S there will be Germany x Poland)

I realized that I was done already, wearing a white shirt with thin, blue strips.

"America you done!?" I practically yelled.

"Almost!!" he yelled back

I walked down towards the door, waiting for America to be finished.

Lucky for me, he was already done.

"Ready to go?" He said.

"Mmhm.."  I hummed not focusing on what he was saying.

Instead my eyes traced down to his neck.

I saw on the side of his neck, there was a large bruise resembling a hickey on his neck.

Where'd he get that from

I was going to say something but pushed it back because I wanted to confront him when we came back. 

I grabbed the keys and swung open the door with America not to far behind. 

I got in the driver's seat and waited for America to get in, and started the car.....

(216 Words)

Yay I posted!!


♦️-Save Me-♦️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ