Chapter 1

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Aries POV:

I wake up for a new boring da- wait a second-

I look around me at the totally unfamiliar room I'm in...Red walls with black words on the- WHAT?! MY NAME IS WRITTEN ALL OVER THE WALLS!
I looked at the comfy pillow I was sleeping on, it's red with a weird 'V' like simbol on it, what's going on?

Suddenly the door opened and a dude with pink hair entered my room. Wait- did he like, idk, kidnap me or something?

"Hey you! Did you kidnap me? Why did you do it? Why the heck did you bring me here?!" I yelled at him, he widened his eyes and raised his hands in surrender. (Why would someone even expect the kidnapper to answer these questions?)

"I didn't kidnap you! I woke up to find myself in a random room, I freaked out and rushed out of the room, entered this random one and looks like I'm not the only one." I calmed down a little.

"Okay then? I'm Aries, you?" I asked simply, he looked kinda surprised for a second before responding.

"Uh... It's Sagittarius, just call me Sag. And by the way your name is written on your door." Well that's pretty creepy. (Isn't the whole fact that you woke up in a room you've never seen creepy?)

"Wanna maybe search the house or even see if there's anyone else or something?" Sag asked after a moment of awkward silence, I nodded. (Nothing special here, just woke up in a random house and they just casually want to look around, happens everyday)

And with that we got out of 'my' room...? Eh, I'll just call it my room for now, we headed to another random door where the word 'Leo' was written, I guess the person there is named Leo then.

Sag opened the door and a blonde haired girl that looked both confused and shocked was sitting there, she looked at us, I saw a flash of fear in her eyes. She then suddenly jumped out of the bed she was sitting on and tackled me to the floor.

"Who are you and what do you want from me? Get me back home NOW!" Welp-

"Chill out! We're just as confused as you!" Said Sag, trying to get her off me. And it worked, she got off me and looked at him skeptically.

"You're Leo, right?" I asked, still on the floor. She looked at me in confusion, before nodding slowly.

"If your confused about how do we know your name, it was written on your door, we assumed it was your name since our names were written on our doors too." I explained. She looked confused as ever.

"Yeah I know it's really creepy. But anyway, we're searching to see if there's anyone else. Wanna join?" Sag asked, helping me off the ground. I muttered a small 'thanks' and looked at Leo, waiting for her answer.

"I mean, I have nothing better to do so sure I guess... What are your names anyway?"

"I'm Sagittarius but just call me Sag, and this is Aries, uuuh, call her Ari... Uh, Aria" Sag introduced, smiling at me and Leo, I looked at him in confusion, seriously? Aria? Did that dumb fuck just give me a nickname?

"Ok then Sag and Ari! My name is already too short but you can call me 'L' or anything really" Leo said, I smiled at her and stared heading out of the room, Sag and L following right behind me, it's kinda funny how we're being so chill in a situation like this.

I looked around me, Leo's room was facing mine, and what I assumed was Sag's room was near my room. The walls were red, I looked at them as we walked, they were fading from red to blue (somehow) as we started walking further from our rooms until they were completely blue, and we found ourselves facing 3 other rooms. I looked at Sag and L, and they nodded at me, so I headed towards the closest room.

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