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A Study In Pink~2

"Hello, Lieutenant." Lestrade greeted me as I walked into the room. "Hello." I mumble as I pass him and circle her body.

Her coat is wet except for a small patch behind her right calf. Her suitcase blocked the rain. I lean down and feel underneath her collar. It's wet as well.

Kneeling down I take an umbrella from her pocket. It's completely dry, it hadn't been used at all. I tuck it back into her pocket and stand back up to examine her further.

By now Sherlock was examining her with me. He kneeled down and pulled off her ring before showing me. The outside was dirty but the inside was clean.

The ring was often removed. She was unhappily married and possibly a serial adulter. I nod to him and he placed it back onto her hand. I check the jewelry and see that it is clean.

I look for her phone and wallet and realize they are missing along with her suitcase. I kneel down and take her hand in mine to see her nails.

They had been perfectly manicured but now they were scratched and broken. She scratched "Rache" into the floor. German word for revenge. She wasn't writing revenge though.

"It says revenge in German." The man from earlier spoke up and I send him a glare. "Thanks for the input, Anderson" Sherlock said annoyed.

I stand back up and scan her body again. "Being as my work mainly concludes building a profile for both the murder and the victims. I have enough for this victim." I say.

"That's not possible!" Anderson hissed and Lestrade put his hand up to quiet Anderson. "Alright, lets hear it." He said and I nod and clasp my hands behind my back.

"The victim is married, albeit unhappily for ten or more years. She would be known as a perfect wife to those who knew her but she is in fact a serial adulter." I say and scan her body again.

"How the hell would you know that?" Lestrade asks. I look over at Sherlock and he rolled his eyes before answering.

"All of her jewelry is clean except for the wedding ring. The inside of the ring is clean because it had been regularly removed." Sherlock said and Lestrade nodded for me to continue.

"She is not german." I say directly to Anderson before turning back to Lestrade. "She is from out of town though. Her suitcase was small, likely only carried one day worth of clothes." I say as I put away my phone.

"How do you know that? Rache is German." Anderson all but growled at me. I groan and hold my hand up as Sherlock opened his mouth to explain again.

"She is planned on staying one night and leaving the next day back to Cardiff." I say.

"Victim is in her late 40's. I assume she is a professional. Her field likely being media." cross my arms as I circle back to the woman's hands.

"If this was a suicide, like you seem to think it is. Then why would she write revenge in German before she died? With her fingernails of all things. That'd hurt like a bitch." I say.

"Wait, are you saying that all 4 suicides are murders?" Lestrade asked. I nod my head to Sherlock. "He came up with the theory. I simply agree with it." I say and Lestrade looked at Sherlock.

As sherlock began to explain his theory, I leave the room without alarming anybody and pull of my gloves. I throw them in the trash and put a new pair in my pocket.

I pull out my phone and pull up a 15 mile radius of the building. I cross check the area with garbage bins that are easily accessable but not visible to the road.

I begin walking to the most likely candidate and find Sherlock halfway inside the garbage bin.

"I find this rather amusing." I say aloud and Sherlock groaned before pulling out a bright pink suitcase.

"Perhaps you do have some talent." Sherlock said and I bite back a negative remark. "Perhaps." I tell him. "Let's get home before someone finds us with the victim's suitcase." I announce and we take a cab back to the apartment.

I shimmy off my coat and untie my scarf before hanging them up. Sherlock and I sit down and begin going through her suitcase.

Sherlock ended up laying on the couch with his hands steepled under his chin and his eyes closed. His head would jerk lightly every once and a while.

His feet where in my lap as I had my computer connected the the victim's phone and was going through her files. A few minutes later John walked in looking pissed.

"Where the hell did you two go!" John yelled angrily and sat down in his arm chair. "I'm sorry John. I guess I need to get use to working with others again." I say softly and he huffed.

"You seemed to work with Sherlock just fine! Seeing as you two ran off together." John said with a slight smirk. I glare at him. "Actually, I left first and found Sherlock upside down in a garbage bin." I say.

Picking up my phone, I unlock it and toss it to John. "I couldn't help but take a picture." I say with a sly grin before looking back at the computer.

Suddenly Sherlock Jerked and his eyes opened. "Ah, John your finally here. I need you to text someone." Sherlock said as he sat up.

He glanced at me and I nod my head. "Send the text and I'll trace it." I tell him and he nods. Sherlock tells him the number and what to text and I start the trace.

"Alright, well I'm famished. Let's go eat." Sherlock jumped from the couch and pulled on his coat and scarf before tossing me mine.

I raise my eyebrow at him and slip on my own coat and scarf before closing my computer and placing it in my bag. I pick up the bag in my arms and follow Sherlock and John to a cab.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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