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A Study In Pink~1

"Oh hello dear! You must be Samantha Watson! Your brother is right upstairs with Sherlock, follow me." Ms Hudson said as she shut the door.

I follow her up a flight of stairs and pull my suitcase up so it doesn't smack into the stairs every step. "Boys! Samantha is here!" Ms Hudson called before opening the door.

I follow her inside the flat and set my things down by the door and begin taking off my scarf but I am tackled into a hug before I can undo the knot.

"Gah! Uh, It's nice to see you to John." I mumble breathlessly and he let me go. "Look at you! Turning into quite the young woman!" John teased and I grin at him.

I continue taking off my scarf and coat as I speak. "Thank you John. I see the war hadn't changed your image." I tell him and he grinned at me.

"Sherlock! Come down and meet my sister!" John yelled and picked up my suitcase and placed it into a room the came off the living room.

I hear pounding footsteps before a tall man with curly dark hair stepped into sight from the kitchen. The man who I assumed was Sherlock gave me a cold stare.

His eyes were blue and his cheek bones were sharp. I take in the sight of bags beneath his eyes and the wrinkled appearance of his shirt and trousers.

I look at his hand and notice some of his fingernails have been "trimmed" and some had not been. He chews on his nails when he is stressed.

His other hand as tapping anxiously against his thigh before he crossed he arms and looked me up and down. We seemed to be at a stare off.

This was cut short when Ms Hudson and John return from downstairs. Hudson with tea and John with the rest of my bags.

"Interesting... I think they are in a staring contest." John said surprised once he put my things in my new room.

"Not a staring contest." I say aloud before smirking a little and breaking the eye contact. "Thank you, John. You didn't have to go get my things." I tell him.

John shrugged. "What else are brothers for?" He said with a smile. "Oh come on now! The tea is ready!" Ms Hudson said from the kitchen.

I press past Sherlock and pick up a cuppa. "Thank you Ms Hudson." I thank her and sip on the tea. I hum lightly and continue to drink the tea.

"So Sherlock, have you heard about the 3 recent suicides?" Ms Hudson asked. John told me that Sherlock was a consulting detective.

"Murders. They were all murdered, and there are 4." Sherlock mused causing John to almost spit out his tea and looked up at him.

"And you know this how?" John asked before immediately regretting his question. "Seeing as Inspector Lestrade is about to knock on our door. I assume there has been another." Sherlock said.

I roll my eyes and look down as my phone beeped. "Another one, something different about this one." I sigh softly and drink the rest of my tea before standing up.

I set the cup inside the sink as someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" I yell from the kitchen. Sherlock looked at me with a questioning look.

The door opened and Lestrade walked in. "Just give me a moment and I'll be ready. I'm sure Sherlock will be as well." I tell Lestrade.

I head to my room and put my gun into my waistband and slip my badge into my front pocket. Leaving my room I pull on my jacket and scarf.

Sherlock was already in his coat and scarf. "We'll take a cab." Sherlock said causing me to arch an eyebrow at him. He simply looked at me before walking down the steps to hail a cab.

"Is he always this cold?" I ask John as he pulled on his jacket and we headed down to the street. "Not usually. I'll talk to him." John said and I shake my head.

"Don't. I can deal with my own problems." I tell John and hop into the cab. Sherlock groaned as he scooted over only to get pushed back into the middle by John.

Sherlock gave the driver the address and we were off. About 15 minutes later we arrived at the crime scene. I show my badge to a lady that is standing at the tape.

She had curly hair and a permanent frown. "What are you doing here, freak?" She said to Sherlock. He rolled his eyes at her. This must happen often.

"Lestrade called me in." Sherlock said simply. "Why?" She asked bitchily. "I think he wants me to take a look." Sherlock answered sarcastically before sniffing the air and looking at her knees.

"Well, you know what I think don't you?" She asked. "Yes, Sally. Everybody knows what you think." Sherlock groaned before lifting the police tape for John.

"Who is he?" Sally asked and stepped in front of him. "He's with us." I say and she jerked her head in my direction. "Who the hell are you?" She snapped at me as John and Sherlock said something to each other.

"What? Can you not read? Lieutenant Watson." I say and give her a false salute. She laughed. Lieutenant Watson? The same Watson who fucked up a 3 year undercover mission?" She said.

I bite my lip and slowly turn around to face her. "Listen sweetie. Don't act like you know the details of that case or my transfer. Go back and play guard like a good little girl, alright?" I snap at her before turning on my heel.

She looked after me gasping as I follow Sherlock and John to the building where he had been stopped by a man with dark hair.

"Don't fuck up my crime scene, Sherlock." He growled. I've had just about enough of the negativity around here. "How long is your wife out of town?" I ask the man causing him to look at me.

"Who told you that? Who the hell are you?" He asked angrily. "Your deodorant told me. It is for men." I tell him and look up at the building. Perhaps it was being renovated into an apartment complex?

"Of course it's for men! I'm wearing it." He hissed at me. "So is Sally. I'm sure she just came over to scrub your floors with the state of her knees. Though she does have a nasty case of cum breathe." I say as I pull on a pair of gloves.

"Crime scene is this way I'm assuming?" I ask and begin walking up the stairs. "Hey you can't go in there!" The man yelled as Sherlock and John began to follow me.

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