[I] Chapter 1 - Rising in the Burning Mall

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In a mall, nighttime,

A mother and a girl is walking, carrying their shopping bags happily after their shopping session.

"Mommy! Can I play for a bit before bedtime?"

"Well... 10 minutes okay? You have school tomorrow."

"Aww, okay mommy."

It was as normal as it gets, and this applies to anyone who's in the mall.


A heavy explosion was heard from the top floor, followed by debris falling from the roof. Panic ensues, and the luxurious scenery of the mall slowly turns into a sea of flame and debris. In the middle of the chaos, the perpetrator stands above the fountain.

"This power... this'll be so much fun."

Inside the burning mall,

'Ghh... What happened?' Our hero is now awake inside a toilet stall after being unconscious. He exits the toilet room only to see fire and burning debris around him.

'What's going on?' He tries to navigate himself around the burning area, while also avoiding any fire and debris on the way. 'I need to get out of here.'

"HELP!" A cry of help was heard, he looks around to find the source, but it's hard due to the surroundings.

"Where are you?!" He yelled,

"Over *cough* here!" After some time, he managed to find the one who needs help, a blonde girl being buried underneath a pile of debris.

"You alright?!" He asked as he starts to remove the debris, which are thankfully not too heavy,

"A bit hurt on the back, but I can *cough* manage." She replied, before pulling herself out with the help from (Y/n).

"Do you know any exit?"

"There's a back exit, but we need to go to the base floor."

"Got it. Which floor are we on now?"

"5th." (Y/n) then groans at this,

"C'mon, we have no time to lose." The two then runs to their destination, constantly avoiding any dangers along the way. Once they reach the second floor however...

"Well, well, well... What do we have here?" The two stops and sees someone in front of them. The two are surprised at what they see, but for (Y/n), he's the most surprised of the two,

 The two are surprised at what they see, but for (Y/n), he's the most surprised of the two,

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'A Magia?!' He thought,

"Looks like I caught some trapped prey. This would be wonderful."

"W-what's going on?" The blonde asked, being scared of the Magia's words. (Y/n) goes in front of her quickly and blocks the Magia.

"You go ahead! I'll keep this thing away from you!" He said,


"GO!" With his shout, the girl runs away. The Magia is annoyed that one of her prey is running away, but...

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