Chapter 3 First kiss

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They were together at last. Gulf still couldn't believe it. His heart raced away in his chest now that he could enjoy Mew's touches without a care.

Gulf was laying in his bed; he remembered the moment they finally kissed as a couple. A real kiss.

Of course, they had kissed maybe hundreds of times already while shooting the series and with the workshop, but his was something new altogether.

He had enjoyed them though... he wouldn't deny it now. He hadn't even shied away from their first kiss at the workshops. Everyone was shocked and he had just said that they would eventually kiss anyway.

He smiled, it really had even shocked Mew because Gulf wasn't the type to just do something like that and he got Mew all flustered from it. That was a moment he remembered all to fondly. Flustered Mew.

The scene that had to act out was from another movie and he had to initiate the kiss. He had pondered how he would approach Mew. With his feelings all over the place he didn't want to seem like he was some blushing virgin who never kissed anyone.

The kiss was one he remembered for the rest of his life. It had been a real kiss and Mew's lips had felt so soft he wouldn't mind kissing them again and again. The soft press of lips against each other had made his heart flutter, his ear reddening and he almost got temped to deepen the kiss but they were in the workshop room and everyone was around them. The other actors were shocked and spurring them on while laughing. A blush had crept up his cheeks with the thought of making out with Mew in front of all these people

After some time, they got used to them kissing and let them be when they were practicing or getting ready for a scene. But this was totally different. Feelings were involved here and he was already getting nervous of the thought of Mew kissing him.

He turned over on his side sniffing in mew's smell that lingered on his skin when he had hugged him goodbye this afternoon. He smiled and put his face in his pillow basking in the smell. He loved Mew's smell and every time Mew would hug him, he hoped the smell would linger on him when he went home. And it and it would feel like Mew would be here besides him and falling asleep with him.

Back to the kissing part, other than the workshop and the series they hadn't really kissed as a couple. Every time they would get close to kissing, something or someone would interrupt them and they had to pull apart before their lips could even touch. The blush would still be there when they pulled apart and smiled shyly at each other and leave the kissing for later. they had been at an event and Gulf was sitting against the wall in the corner of the empty room. His hair and makeup had been done already so he was playing a game waiting for Mew to be ready so they could join the others. He wanted to be alone just to get his mind straight and prepare for the event. While he was busy playing a game on his phone Mew had walked in and sat beside him, wrapping his arms around him and kissing his neck. They were alone so Mew got extra clingy in these moments. Gulf didn't mind though; he was used to it. He leaned his head against Mew's shoulder and let Mew pull him between his legs.

"what are you doing?" Mew had asked him. Gulf hummed and answered with showing him the game he was playing. He felt the caressed of Mew's fingers on his arms and the hot chest against his back. He felt so save completely engulfed by Mew's arms. Even though he was taller than him, he felt so small in those big veiny arms. He leaned against him and let Mew help him defeat the enemies on his game. Mew had his arks around him and tapping on his phone sometimes before he let his hand fall to gulfs stomach again and caressed the skin there. They were quiet and enjoyed each other's company. Gulf felt the tension in the air with them both being so close to each other and he just wanted to turn his head and taste those lips against after such a long time, but him being the Gulf he was he couldn't and didn't know how with how shy he felt.

There's a first time for everyting   •Mew/Gulf•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora