His footsteps come running out of his room, dread filling my body as it takes him less than two seconds to reach my room and open my door asking, "What?" before seeing my lay there, completely naked with my hand in between my legs and another hand covering my mouth. He slams the door shut and yells sorry from the outside.

Embarrassment floods my entire existence as I cover my eyes, hoping this whole scene will be a dream and I will wake up. I pull the blanket up over me and signal him that he can come in.

"I'm so sor-" my hand flies up to stop him mid sentence.

"Nope. Don't talk about it. It didn't happen." His face blushes red and his head goes down like he's been yelled at.

"I just thought you needed help or somethin'. Well, I guess you do, but I can't help with that." My face burned so badly from the extreme rush of blood that I felt as if it would start screaming by itself. Colson awkwardly stands by the door, turning his head everywhere so he doesn't look directly at me.

"I wanna kill myself." The words run freely from my lips, muffled by my own hands.

"Well, I'm gonna go back to bed. Umm, goodnight." He backs out of my room, closing the door behind him. The sound of his bedroom door resonates through the wall, followed by a muffled yell.

"Me too Colson, me too." I thought to myself as I turn over and try to fall asleep. My head traces back to the image of Colson I was thinking about. Just a mental image causes a tingle to pronounce itself to my from below. My eyes widen at the realization that I just got turned on by thinking about Colson.


Morning comes and I'm greeted by the darkness before the sunrise. I quickly throw on a tank top and shorts before heading downstairs to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of pink lemonade. After making my way out to the back patio, I sit on one of the poolside lounge chairs and sip my drink while watching the beautiful colors rise over the horizon, completely forgetting what happened hours prior.

As pink and orange hues glow over the land, my phone buzzes. A notification from my brother reads, "Go look on Facebook! Colson is blowing up!" Immediately, I load up the social media app and scroll down quickly, soon finding and article all about Colson and his rising fame and popularity, which leads to videos of reporters talking about him, then a link to his newest music video. I click onto his page to see that he has grown to an outstanding amount of fans. Excitement and happiness runs rampant and I watch his page grow bigger by the second.

A tap on my shoulder breaks me from my trance and to my surprise, Colson is standing there behind me. Sweatpants hang low on his hips and his hair looks like he had a rough night.

"What's got you up this early?" He asks me in a tired, deep voice. I turn to show him my phone, the page I was looking at moments ago.

"You're skyrocketing! This is amazing!" I say in a high pitched tone of excitment.

"Holy shit. I guess my new music video was a bop. Damn." He chuckles and takes my phone from my hand, scrolling down his page and seeing all of the posts and comments. "This dude is hot and makes good music? Rare." He reads one of the comments. "Holy shit can this guy fuck me sideways on a cliff." He reads another in a confused, yet amused tone.

"You're blowing up Kells." I say looking from underneath his arm at my own phone. He slugs his arm around my neck and looks down at me.

"I wouldn't be able to if it wasn't for you and Darren putting me out there." I smile and blush a little.

"Yea you could have. You would have found a way. You might not have been the greatest like you are now, but youd be somewhere." He shakes me by my shoulder lightly with his arm. Making me chuckle.

"So, about last night." The start to this conversation fills me with dread and embarrassment. "Can you tell me why you screamed my name while having a little fun with yourself?" He asked with a smirk and a chuckle. The way he phrased that question let me know he was overthinking this way too much, floating his ego.

"Well, um, I was, well, having fun and as I was thinking of something I, well, accidentally thought of you. That sounds so bad. Not in a sexual way. But like your face popped into my head and I guess it surprised me." He shakes his head, still smirking. "It wasn't like that Colson. Stop it!" I laugh a little as he rolls his eyes, still smiling.

"I'm sure it wasn't, little Lyly." He laughs and puts his arm around me. "It's all good. I understand. I guess a lot of women think like you do now that I'm famous." I laugh and face him.

"The fame has already gotten to your head. What a shame." We both laugh for a hot minute, then simmer down.

"We should have a party to celebrate the newfound popularity. I'll call up some people and get the word out."

"So from what I heard, Colson's popular, and he caught you masturbating to him?" The voice makes me jerk around, seeing Dana standing in the patio doorway, shocked.

"Dana, five bucks you didn't hear anything." I propose, hoping she'll take the deal and not tell Darren.

"Deal, but I want in on the juicy details." She crosses her arms and smirks at me, to which I roll my eyes.

"Fine. Go get your money from my purse." She squeals and runs off to find my purse.

"I'm gonna go spread the word. I'll see you later Ly." Colson says before running off. I'm left there stunned. The sun has finished rising and now shines brightly over the house, casting beautiful shadows and brightening colors.

Life is getting a little bit crazy.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I had some relationship issues going on and dealt with them first. Let me know what you think of thos chapter because I like to hear from you and know how the chapter went. Make sure to vote on this chapter and follow me so you're up to date on new chapters. Thank you for reading!

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