Chapter 8

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We sat at the hospital for awhile, talking to my brother and catching up. Darren was currently telling us what it was like being in a coma.

"I still heard everything, but it would be incorporated into whatever dream I was having. So, once I was fighting a tiger, ya know cause I'm a badass like that, and the nurse came in and started talking to me, but in the dream the tiger was talking in the nurses voice. It was all so weird." We all laugh after hearing about his crazy nurse tiger fight. "I heard all you guys when you would talk to me too." Darren and Colson look at each other, Colson's eyes widening.

"Well, I'm just glad you're back. Right now I would either be in a kush coma or a sugar coma if you didn't wake up." My joke brings a couple of laughs from everyone.

Unfortunately, we couldn't bring Darren home yet since the hospital had to make sure he was okay to come home. We all hung out downstairs playing Just Dance in the living room. All of us were lined up showing off our best moves, also hitting each other with the remotes because the living room isn't that big.

It feels good to be happy again. Knowing that Darren is awake gives me a sense of hope.

We played for a couple hours or so until it was around dinner time. I whipped up some homemade Italian food for everyone as we sat at the table, happily eating knowing we weren't about to lose someone we love.

Our day was great. The night came to an end as we all began retreating to our rooms. Dana stayed in my brother's room, claiming she was keeping the bed warm for him. Colson and I stayed back in the kitchen for a little, leaning on the countertops across from each other, finishing off our glasses of wine.

"It's nice to know Darren is okay. I'll be honest, I was readying myself to lose him. I thought he wasnt gonna make it." Colson admits as he cocks back, polishing off his glass.

"I didn't know what I thought was going to happen. I'm definitely not ready to lose my brother just yet." I lightly sip, remembering something. "You said you wanted to talk to me about something? Before we left for the hospital?" He tensed up, thinking I wouldnt remember.

"Don't worry about it. We can talk about it some other time."

"Are you sure?" He avoids my gaze for a moment before looking at me.

"Yea. I'm gonna head up to bed, alright?" We both head up the steps and part ways to our rooms, stealing one last glance with a nod goodnight.

As I lay in my bed, restless, my eyes look for something, something that I don't have, a lover. Shivers travel my spine as my legs twitch with need and desire. My hands grip tightly at my sheets as I try to shake the provocative thoughts that drown my head and fall asleep, but I can't.

I close my eyes and picture someone. I don't see a face, only their body touching mine, when in reality it is only me here. My hand makes it's way around, feeling sensitive areas and focusing on the palace. Fireworks shoot through me as my imagination wonders. Light moans echo through the darkness, barely heard by my own ears. I begin to build myself up, touching my most sensitive bud and pleasuring myself. My other hand gropes and my breasts, massaging them and their precious tips. My moans get slightly louder, going from airy breaths to soft sounds of enjoyment.

Colson's room sits right next to mine, so being loud and proud isn't an option.

My eyes roll as I begin to enter myself. Juices leak onto my fingers as I get deeper into my imagination. I glide up this imaginary man, admiring his body as he "pleasures" me. My eyes reach his neck, and eventually his face, revealing Colson and his blonde locks and blue eyes looking back at me. I jump and stop touching myself, my own imagination surprising me, and scream, "Colson?!" Immediatly covering my mouth with my free hand, regretting my very actions with wide eyes.

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