You Fall Asleep On Them

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You two were watching socky the sock puppet, when you found yourself getting tired. You casually laid your head on Acsh, who was right next to you, with a soft smile. "Why are you doing that?" He suddenly asks. "Sorry Acsh, I'm tired..." You say, earning a soft sigh from him. "Go ahead and sleep Princess (Y/N)." He says, with this, unusual softness in his voice and expression, as he lifts you onto his lap. You fall asleep there, and he loosely holds onto you.


"NO!" You shot up, in sweat and tears. You had a nightmare. You see Ava and Noi rush in. You found yourself finding Noi to be like a little brother, so you were glad to see your favorite two people. "What happ-" "Did you have a nightmare again?" Ava cut Noi off. "Nightmare?" "A bad dream." Ava clarifies. Noi nods. Ava walks over to you and lays you in her lap. You two do this often whenever one would have some sort of nightmare. Noi watches awkwardly. "Noi, can you grab my blanket, I'm going to sleep in here tonight." Noi nods and runs out. Ava rubs your head gently, as you were calming down. Noi came back with her blanket and smiled. "Here you go Princess Ava! I hope you feel better Princess (Y/N)." He says, and waves, before leaving. "Th-thanks..." was the last thing you said, before falling asleep. Ava smiles and carefully adjusts herself, so you both can sleep together.


You were in Leif's room for reasons you still don't know, when you see him walking over to you. "Leify...Why am I in here? I'm sleepy..." You ask, earning a chuckle from him. "To sleep with me in bed of course." You blush, but you were too tired to reject the idea. So, he just picked you up, and laid you on him. You found his chest to be a really nice pillow, and fell asleep pretty quickly. He chuckles softly. "Wow, How can you get any cuter Sweet Cheeks?" He rhetorically asks, before going to sleep himself.


You and Noi were in the bath together. You knew nothing naughty would happen since you knew he's too sub to do anything, and he would ask before even staring at you. (idk I just see him doing that XD) You found yourself getting sleepy from the warm water, and leaned against him. "C-Cupcake!?" Noi was a blushing mess. "It's okay Hubby, I'm just sleepy. Let's finish up so I can take a nap, okay?" You suggest, earning a nod and flustered NOIses(I had to XD). You two finish up and get dried off and dressed, and go to your room. You laid down and he smiled at you. "Dream nice dreams!" He says with an adorable smile. You giggle softly and nod. "Okay. Don't break anything." You say, and drift off to sleep. He actually sits there and watches you drift off, before laying next to you and cuddling you. UwU


Here you were, having to cover for a friend, who worked the graveyard shift, You ended up being up from 7 am to nearly 9 am the next day. Acsh and Leif were on one that day, and you idiotically gave Ava extra time to sleep. So here you were, walking into Ava's place since it's closer than yours. You hear that Acsh and Leif were still on one, and since you had lack of patience from over 24 hours of no sleep, you snap. "THAT IS IT! YOU TWO BETTER KNOCK IT OFF BEFORE I MAKE YOU! AND DO NOT TEST ME TODAY!" You were so drained, that you walked over to the couch and near instantaneously fell asleep. Pierce saw you exhausted, and carried you to his room, so you could get peace and quiet. He also gives you head pats, and a kiss on the forehead! You grab and hold onto his arm, and he just lays down and lays you on him, remembering how soft human beds are. So, he's your bed for the moment. Protect him I can't-

Rhys(Possible Trigger warning?)

Let's see...You were upset because someone you care for went missing years ago, and unfortunately, turned up dead last year, the disappearance still haunts you, because you blame yourself for it. You never told anyone, but you were only faking being asleep when it happened. Today is the anniversary of finding her body, and Rhys noticed your major change in mood. "(Y/N)~Chan, are you okay?" You jump and give your best fake smile. "O-of course I am Rhys...!" "You called me Rhys instead of Rhys~Senpai. You only call me that when you're not as happy. Please, tell me what's wrong." Rhys had a look of concern, as he walked over to you, and led you to the couch. You knew he'd find out eventually, may as well tell him yourself.

You explain how your childhood friend disappeared, and how you didn't save them and pretended to sleep instead. You then explain how their body was found. He knew how docile humans were, and figured it would be extremely bad for your mental health to see that. He hugged you tightly...well...not really, but it was comfortingly tight for you. He rubbed your back and just stayed quiet until you stopped crying. "I know you feel like it's your fault, but I noticed in the human world, you sometimes have to put yourself before others, no matter how much it hurts. On the bright side, it could've been you...And we would've never met. I know it hurts, but they' a better place, for wherever humans go after death, if they do." He tries to comfort you, and you genuinely smile a little at his attempts. "I know what you're doing,and thanks for that. My mood may shift pretty often around this time, now you know why..." You said, and yawned. "Tired?" "from the crying..." He nods and you lay your head in his lap with a soft smile. He blushes slightly but smiles softly. "Go ahead, Kitten. I'll read the book you 'checked out' from the library." you giggle softly and nod. "Okay Rhys..." You say and fall asleep.

(I swear Rhys isn't my fave, I just get the most ideas for him XD fave to write about are Noi and Rhys. Maybe because I'm kinda pulling from ocs? idk)

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