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"Princess (Y/N)!" You hear from the living room, as you were getting dressed for work. You were so used to hearing their voices you memorized whose was whose. "Coming!" You called back and finished. Today, thanks to random clumsiness though, a table, and a glass vase, you have gotten hurt. The power of the clumsy anime girl has seemed to bless you, you only had minor cuts, and a minor bruise on your hip.

Right before you can open the door, you see a semi worried Acsh on the other side. "I heard a crash! Are you okay?" He asks you and inspects you. "I'm fine Acsh, I promise. You never worry like this...did I scare you that bad?" You ask, subconsciously raising a hand, and resting it on his cheek. He was about to say something, but decided to change it up. How? By gently grabbing your hand. "Princess (Y/N), you've casted a spell on me that has caused me to think about you so much, and I find myself...happy..."

Your eyes widen in surprise. "You...think of me?" You were starting to softly smile. "Yes I do, and now, I want you to be mine and only mine. I want to court you Princess (Y/N)." He says. Not an ounce of him was joking either. "Very well, I'll teach you how humans court each other. Though, after work, okay?" He nods and let's you leave, before heading to Ava's apartment to tell the others


It was another day, in their crazy lives. Ava suggested a spa day with just you, and you nod. You missed being with just her, and you felt it would be the best time to confess to her while the daemos aren't around. They've grown clingy to her, especially after finding out her father's a man of power. As if you didn't even exist!

"Now I have a friend coming over to watch you all. She's a halfling. Half daemos and half human. So if need be, she will deal with you. Don't give her too hard of a time, bye!" Ava says. Just then, a girl with long ombré hair walked in. "Hey Ava, (Y/N), go have fun. I'll make sure they behave." The girl says and smiles. The boys were (Jung)shook seeing a halfling. "Thanks Tsuki, We'll see you all later!" You and Ava take this chance to leave. (Tsuki's my MID oc lolz)

You two go for the whole shabang. Sauna, mud bath, manicure, pedicure, facials, the whole thing. You both even got your makeup done. While walking out of the spa, you both pass a group of girls from high school. "Wow, they sure look terrible with makeup." "Yeah, an old lady can do better makeup than that!" They girls laugh. You growl, but Ava puts a hand on your back. You look at her, and to your surprise, she had a smirk. "I won't stop you." She says. You turn to them and laugh along. "Wow! You're so right! Oh, silly me. You know what's even better?" You then point to a boy practically making out with a girl. The leader looked upset. "HOW DARE YOU?!" "Now that's funny." You day coldly, and the girls run off, the leader crying. (If you get what this was inspired by, I love you already lolz)

Ava runs up to you. "You okay (Y/N)?" She asks. You nod. "Yeah. I'm okay. And honestly, you look beautiful. Well, I was surprised you could even get even more beautiful than you already were." You admit, with a blush. She blushes as well. "W-well, you look beautiful as well (Y/N)." She says, and starts walking home. You grab her hand. "Ava..." you lower your head, your hair covering your eyes. She turns back to you. "Yeah?" "I...I don't want to go back yet. They all want to take you from me..." you say, your voice growing shakier by the word. Ava's face changes to concern. "That's silly (Y/N), you won't lose me." She says. You look up and smile. "May I try something?" That sure caught her off guard, but she nodded. She trusted you after all. You smile softly and kiss her hand. "I don't want them to have you Ava. You were with me first. I just want to...push it further. By being your girlfriend." You confess. Ava blushes and kisses your cheek. "I'd love to be your girlfriend (Y/N)."


Here you were, at the park, with only Leif, who was pissed. Why? He got jealous. He won't admit it though. I know, that sounds more like Acsh. But it was Acsh that caused it. See, Acsh had the "bright" idea to start trying to woo you in case another had wooed Ava. Let's just say...Ava is lecturing Acsh, while you're just trying to calm down Leif.

"Leif~Senpai? If I tell you my deepest secret that involves you, will you tell me why you reacted that way?" Leif huffs but nods. You sigh and nod, as your face starts turning red. "A-Ah...well...I" you manage to get out, but it was so quiet, Leif didn't catch all of it. He let go of his jealousy and turned to you. "Hold on, did you say that you like me?" You blush more and nod, earning a blush from him. He smiles softly and laughs. "Well I had no reason to get mad at Acsh then. Since I know I won you over~" you give him the -.- face and he chuckles. "Well, I have feelings for you too Princess." He says.


"Okay! I got this!" He was hyping himself up. "Got what?" Ava says suddenly, earning a shriek from poor Noi. "O-oh! Hello princess Ava! I'm going to confess that I want to court (Y/N)!" He says, earning a smile from her. "Alright, tell me how it goes afterwards." She says and goes to her room, most likely to sleep. Noi heads over to your house with (f/f)(fave flower) and knocks.

You open the door, in your human clothes and horns hidden. "Oh hey Noi! Come in!" You day and move so he can enter. Once he's inside, you reveal your horns and sit down on the couch, him soon joining you. "So, why'd ya visit Noi?" You ask, and notice him getting red in the face. "You okay?" You sound confused, and concerned. "I-I'm fine!" He quickly says. "I came t-to give you these...!" He says, and hands you the (f/f), and you smile, and smell them. "They're beautiful Noi! How'd you know I love this kind?" "I remembered you mentioning it while we were walking around the city." He says confidently. You found his new found confidence admirable. "A-and...I...Ireallywanttocourtyou(Y/N)!(I really want to court you (Y/N))" He says very quickly. You blush after translating what he said, and set the flowers down before hugging Noi. "I'd love that Noi..." you say. He blushes more, but hugs you back.


Now, Pierce was pretty straightforward with his confession. It was another day of having to pretend to be dating, this time featuring Loralai. She was rather suspicious of you two, even when you were holding hands! So, Pierce kisses the top of your head, earning a blush from you. Loralai seemed to have bought it, and went to the others. "I want to court you. For real." He suddenly says when you two were alone. You blush more and look up at him, but then smile. "I'd love that Pierce." You say back, and you both embraced.


It was another day of you and Rhys in the library, so he could read more about human culture, and you can read more cheesy love mangas. You suddenly notice Rhys looking over your shoulder, reading along. "Why are you reading this backwards (Y/N)~Chan?" He suddenly asks, causing you to jump slightly. "It's called a manga, you read it differently than books here." You explain. He continues reading over your shoulder, until an old friend of yours, that actually had a crush on you, came over. "Hey (Y/N)~Chan, who's that?" Your old friend seemed jealous. But before you could respond, Rhys does. "I am her boyfriend, and you are?" You hid your surprise as best you could, but failed to hide your extremely red face. "Really? I've known and loved you longer (Y/N), now you love this nerd?" He growls. "Don't bother Uwakimono~Kun(fun fact, uwakimono actually means cheater in japanese)(And it's pronounced oo-wah-key-mo-no) (Y/N)~Chan loves Rhys~Senpai very much. Plus, (Y/N)~Chan never liked Uwakimono~Kun that way, you know that." You said and earned a grumble. "Plus, he already has a girlfriend." A perky voice said from behind. You glare at him and he quickly leaves with her.

"Who was that?" "an old friend of (Y/N)~Chan's. He used to...(Y/N)~Chan guesses he might still have a thing for (Y/N)~Chan..." you say, and go back to reading. "What do you mean by that (Y/N)~Chan?" "Oh, right...If (Y/N)~Chan is correct, then it's similar to courting someone." You explain. "Oh..." was all you heard from him. "Thanks for saving me again Rhys~Senpai, (Y/N)~Chan doesn't know what she'd do without you..." He smiles softly and pulls the book from you. "Wha? Hey!" You pout. "If you'd like, May I court you? I seem to find myself to not want to give you up to anyone else, and I want to protect you." You blush and smile. "(Y/N)~Chan would love that!"

My Inner Demons Boyfriend/Girlfriend scenarios(Requests closed)(mini hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now