"Don't worry about it Kook," Namjoon says in a nervous voice, then clearing his throat as he sits up straight and stares at Jungkook. Oh dear, Jungkook's flirty bravado falters a little bit.

"So is there anything you want to discuss about? Of course, we have this reservation for two hours, but we certainly don't need to stay the full time." He says and Jungkook thinks for a moment. Honestly, he knows he shouldn't fuss about it so much, but it's been on his mind for so long.

"Ahh, Hyung..." He utters, sighing out as his shoulders sink slightly. "It's just... my mark. I don't understand why it's in the spot it's in." He says, and Namjoon's eyes phase into a sympathetic look. Jungkook suddenly feels bad, but that weird flirty feeling inside of him never left. The conclusion Jungkook decides to come with is the fact that Namjoon left him hanging last night. So, Jungkook, of course, wanted some relief. Real relief. There was no way he was leaving Namjoon's side without getting laid.

"Well, what did you find out from research?" Namjoon asks, leaning in a little more and giving Jungkook his full attention. Jungkook couldn't lie, he loved the fact that Namjoon truly paid attention to him. That now Jungkook has someone that will give him his full attention. That... was comforting. Namjoon just was comforting in general.

"Well, I know that my mark is completely real, as I did the mark test. I also found out that marks can sometimes be slightly off-center due to alterations on the body. But those were only a few inches or centimeters off. Joon, mine is totally not near the center." Jungkook says, his voice sounding defeated. Jungkook's posture deflates slightly as he thinks about the situation. It wasn't even that important, was it? The mark might just mean that he and Namjoon will have an abnormal but wonderful relationship. Maybe the mark was a bad omen and Jungkook will face a life's worth of pain. Jungkook decided he'll stick with the more positive ending.

Namjoon looks like he's thinking about something, and Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek nervously. Jungkook's overall mood was calm yet flirtatious. But the nerves were trying to take over. Trying to move Jungkook's confidence out of the way and ruin everything. Suddenly, Jungkook feels a warm hand enclose itself around his own and Jungkook feels his inside grow fluttery. He looks up to the fond look on Namjoon's face, and he can't help but slightly smile.

"Jungkook, I'm sure its nothing too important. If anything, it might just be some sort of evolutionary thing that you're the first thing subjected to. Nothing to freak out about I'm sure." He says, and Jungkook can't help but believe him. Why wouldn't he? The foundation of their connection is honesty. And Jungkook would never lie to Namjoon.

Namjoon could sense that Jungkook was still apparently nervous because he got up and smiled sweetly at Jungkook. Jungkook stared with confusion before Namjoon waved it off.

"Don't worry about it Kook, I'm just going to grab us a plate of small snacks so we can talk more, okay?" Namjoon says, and Jungkook debates on whether or not he should go with. After realizing he was too lazy to move, he nodded and watched as Namjoon walked off to retrieve the snacks.

Jungkook sits there, finally his ears picking up the piano playing once more. Jungkook listens as the keys are played with relentless rhythm, whoever playing the piano not missing a single beat. Jungkook finds himself swaying to the music and closing his eyes, imagining a random scenario that fits well with the song being played.

Ok, he had to know who was playing that piano.

He steps up from his seat and begins his journey to the pianist, who clearly was also endorsed in his music. Jungkook refused to interrupt, one because the pianist was probably being paid to play and two, Jungkook knows how annoying it is to be interrupted while doing something you love. So Jungkook just stood near the piano and stared, amazed by how the pianist's long crooked fingers flick their ways across the keyboard and press the keys with high precision.

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