Alice Journal Entry Dos

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I met Madeline for the first time today. Momma says I could play with her inside and only inside.
-Madeline loves fireflies


Madeline and I met a girl named Jack today. Jack snuck outside and brought back a bunny. Momma got mad at us for bringing the bunny back, but momma says we can keep it.

-His name is Trébol


Momma took me to the park today. I made friends with a girl named Touka. Touka and I scared her brother Ayato with grasshoppers. I wish I had a sister and brother like them to play with, but all I have is Madeline who visits me at night and Jack who always sneaks outside


Sometimes Jack sneaks us outside when the bad man is around. She lets me bring Trébol. We had so much fun catching fireflies with Madeline today


Touka's papa saw me waiting for mama at the park again. So he waited with me until momma got here. Touka and Ayato got to pet Trébol.

-Touka really likes Trébol


Madeline really likes the blonde boy mom lets us play with. She told me his name is Uta. His eyes are very pretty. Sometimes I wish momma would let him stay longer. He reads stories to us and smells really nice.
Trébel really likes him too. He told me that one day he wants to open a shop to make masks. Sometimes I wish momma would let me go with him so I won't have to see the bad man, but then she'd be alone with the bad man.

-I don't want her to suffer anymore


The bad man hates it when I sing so he locks me in a closet to keep quiet while he plays 'real' music. His music sounds weird to me, but at least I'm not alone anymore. Momma lets me hide Trébel in my room. Jack says the bad man is almost ready to sleep forever we just need to wait for our new sister.


Momma came home really tired today so I told our new sister Meina to give her medicine. She fell asleep afterwards. When the bad man finally came home Jack hid Trébel away so he wouldn't see her. She says we'll meet another sister of ours soon. Someone that'll help us get out whatever that means.
The bad man told me to give him another one of his drinks, so I told Meina to mix the weird medicine in it. She says that we need to move him before mommy wakes up so Jack volunteered to dispose of it. She didn't take a shovel with her and we got really worried when she came back messy

-She won't tell us what she did


Trébel got really sick today so momma took him to the animal doctor. The nice lady there said that he'd have to go to sleep, so momma told me to say goodnight to Trébel. I told her to feed Trébel before he went to sleep then mommy and I left.


Jack said that Trébel's waiting somewhere we'll never be able to go because she's tried. I wonder where that place is. What is that place called? And can I go there? With mommy?

-I miss you Trébel


Uta taught us how to write and read today. He's really wild in the ward he lives in. He said that he was going to make it to where we could live with him, but momma won't let me live with him. We listen to music sometimes nothing like the bad man's music. Uta said once he makes his shop that I could get any tattoos and masks I want. He says he's making some for our birthday


Mom read Alice in Wonderland to me. It's the first time she's ever read a book to me. She smiles when I point out the main character has the same name as me, but she looks sad too. 

-Momma why won't you hug me? Or kiss me goodnight like the ones in some of the stories Uta reads to me?


The others was supposed to run away with Uta today, but mom took us to work with her today. We aren't allowed to leave the new lady mom said we'd be living with. She tricked us again. She took Jack's eyes out for the weird people to eat and cut my tongue out. It hurt and I cried .... Even when it heals fast.

-We don't need momma


Uta found us. He looks taller now and his hair is black. His eyes are still the same and he has so many tattoos all over his body. When he took us to his shop I was really surprised he had so many masks hanging on display. They're so amazing.
He made a mask for Jack, me, and just finished one for my new friend CC. CC really likes to go eating with him. Meina just likes to read and go to the arcade. Madeline doesn't talk to him anymore. Jack delivers his masks to people ... I just watch him make masks.


Got my first tattoo today! It's just below my carpus (Wrist). An anatomical term Meina uses to help study for her entrance to Kamii University, Madeline found her friend, and CC found momma.

-CC can't wait to see momma again I hope Uta isn't mad at us for leaving

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