New Blood

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"Look old man. Tell us where the wand is I mean shit at this point I will take any information about it." Andromeda said as she leaned against a wall looking as smug as ever, she wore black tight leather pants and a black blouse with a black cardigan and black wedges heels to give her height due to her short 5'4 height. She ran her hand along her low ponytail as horns started appearing out the top of her head as she leaned back into the wall her eyes glossing black with sudden impatience.
"Sister, control" her brother said as she hovered closer to the scene in front her. "Brother I am as controlled as ever, the man will speak!" She leaned in close to the man grabbing his face harshly, "so Ollivander what's it gonna be?" "Fine, Fine. I didn't make the wand but there are many rumours and stories. The last to have it was Dumbledore and the wand will belong to whoever took it from him. The wand is Thestral hair material I would never work with: it follows death and has a way of finding its destination quickly." Andromeda breathed in deep smirking as she looked over her shoulder to her brother. "See, I knew he would speak now we know where it is."
"Ollivander we won't kill you, you can rest we need you to make Peter Pettigrew a wand he seems to loose everything he owns." Voldemort apparated then all back to the Manor. Andromeda knew she was back as soon as her feet hit the floor. Voldemort got his little pet to put him in the cell.

Andromeda heard footsteps behind her as she made her way outside she swiftly took a turn to a room which she knew had no exit and turned invisible. Soon she put her hand around the neck of the mysterious presence and backed him against the wall. "Who are you?" She said cautiously as she eyed him carefully letting her eyes take in the dark mark placed on his forearm and the careful scars along his face. "I am Daxton new addition to The Lords army" Andromeda cautiously let go of him and went back to her normal self. "So what's a girl like you have to do to be here among these dark souls?" She could tell he wasn't flirting, he was trying to play a game. A game Andromeda knew all too well, one she would gladly play back. "I'm Andromeda, The Lords sister." This made the boy slowly look shocked for a second but not for long as he quickly went back to his unreadable expression. "Well il be sure to stay in line with you" "Yeh you might want to do that" Andromeda walked away feeling nothing but disgust towards the boy as she could clearly see he was one of those many lost souls with no purpose in this fight. The kind that go along for the thrill of the fight due to having nothing left for them. But also she couldn't help but feel immediate attraction to the boy, his green eyes and soft black hair that fell carefully upon his forehead and his sculpted face would have many girls fawning over him. He was tall and clearly fit underneath the black suit he wore however he didn't try to resist her restraint which either showed he was respectable of women which somehow she doubted, or, it showed he knew what she was and most likely did this whole thing on purpose just to know who she was and have a proper encounter.

Andromeda headed down to the pool seeing her best friend already floating around probably waiting for her. She dived into the water and cake out right in front of Draco's face however he didn't look at her he simply looked forward looking at the beautiful architecture of the place. "Hey, what's wrong?" She could clearly sense the sadness and loneliness radiating off him and as soon as his statue like grey eyes hit her own she knew he wasn't okay. She quickly hugged the boy making sure to soothe him as much as she could. "Hey what happened?" "There's this new guy, Daxton." He stopped after saying the name, "and he used to be a childhood friend I guess. Our parents were friends and I always felt unwanted by my father when he came around. He always looked at him with pride and joy whereas me he's always looked at me with disappointment and dismissal. When his parents died he stopped coming around as he was taken away to an orphanage. But now. Obviosuly he's back just one more thing to kill me inside. And I saw him and my father talking, SMILING THEY WERE!" His voice broke while saying that and Andromeda knew that he was really hurt by this boy. "He cornered me earlier in purpose. He knew who I was but wanted to see me in person. I had the feeling he was not good news." "Andromeda don't play his games please! He always gets what he wants. I can't have him take you too from me!" The girl grabbed his face and looked him deeply, suddenly her eyes went black and she shared all her memories she had of Draco with him. By the end Draco had a tear rolling down his check but he was smiling, pure happiness displayed on his face. "You remember?" "Of course I remember I just couldn't have my brother find out" Draco kisses the girl passionately hoping she wouldn't pull away, and to his surprise she didn't. She stroked his hair as she kissed him and when they let go she kept her forehead on his and continued to stroke his hair, with her other hand stroking his shoulder in soft circles. "I love you Draco Malfoy. And no one. I repeat. No. One could ever take you away from me or me away from you. We are the half were meant to find and I'm so glad i found you"

I'm a 2020 president candidate

I'm a 2020 president candidate

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