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I was officially worried. In less than an hour I would see him. I don't even know why he would come, I mean he has no reason to. As I pulled on my dress for the 20th time that night I couldn't help but feel anxious. I loved him, he was my best friend in the whole wide world and for him to snap at me like that really really hurt, I had gone the whole summer sad basically over feeling as though he didn't want me anymore. I didn't want to say I relied on this one person to be happy and live my life but Draco truly understood me and had been at my side for 4 years, we went everywhere together so for him to not need me anymore did hurt. Tonight I had little hope that we could maybe patch things up but I don't know what would happen.

As we made it to the club Andrew had gotten for the night we noticed it was already packed with teenagers of all ages not just 14/15 year olds. I was even more nervous now and checked my phone in case Draco had texted me, he hadn't. I walked in a was immediately greeted with loud music and smoke that made my eyes honestly sting. As soon as I walked in I wanted to walk straight out but forced myself to socialise a bit. I looked around for a while but eventually got bored and was about to head back out when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked over at a boy I had never seen before, he had strikingly green eyes and shggy brown hair and he was wearing a suit that looked messy and unbuttoned. "Hey Andromeda right?" "I'm Yh.." "I'm Andrews friend, John" I shook his hand "oh nice to meet you." Soon enough we got talking and got to know each other just a bit, he seemed nice enough eventually though he went to grab another drink to which I politely declined and I headed back outside.I forgot how much I despised parties and regretted the whole thing already, soon Draco would be here and he would probably get mad at me for inviting him to something I didn't even want to attend and tell me I wasted his precious time. "Andromeda?" I froze at the sound of the boys words. I looked up to see Draco in a black suit and somewhat sleeked back hair but still quite relaxed. He attempted a slight smile with creased eyebrows almost as if he was unsure as to wether he was smiling or not. I wanted to hug him I really did and the silence was killing me but what was I supposed to do? "Hey" I looked back down and carried on playing with the hem of my dress as I sat on the patio. He sat down next to me and reached his arm around me pulling me close to him in an embrace I quickly hugged him and was on the verge of tears before I heard someone shout my name. Diana and Nova had come to find me but we're shocked to see Draco and me hugging, and now was the time to cringe as I already knew they would think he was my boyfriend and make jokes about him all night along with the "sure he isn't your boyfriend" or "keep telling yourself that" "Andromeda how dare you have such a hunk and not tell us" spoke Nova as she eyes Draco up and down. Diana was also staring at the boy curiously. "Guys he's not my boyfriend, this is Draco" "Ah the boy on the phone" spoke Diana as her and Nova both looked at each other "okay but like there's no way he isn't your boyfriend" said Nova who then looked over at Diana and simply said "unless?" Immediately the two girls bursted out laughing as if they had just shared the funniest joke between them, they went off saying some odd things to themselves and screaming of laughter from the many inside jokes they had fabricated over the years of friendship.

"So?" Draco said as we walked along the streets of London, "so..." I repeated. He came to an abrupt stop and grabbed my hands. "Look I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry. I was told to do it, my auntie Bellatrix she said that you were going to steal the Malfoy's honour and that you only wanted to get closer to the Dark Lord. Obviously I didn't believe her but I don't really have a choice when it comes to doing things my family tells me to. " I looked up at the boy who was as sincere as ever and slowly smiled placing my hands on his shoulders and rubbing his shoulders for reassurance. "Draco I believe you, I however don't accept the fact you didn't just tell me on the spot. She isn't watching over you in Hogwarts you could have told me and I would have done great acting. You left me to a whole summer of sadness and anger due to having no explanation whatsoever, but I am glad you came today and I'm glad you told me the truth and not some fabricated way over thought lie." The boy looked down at me and smiled as he placed his hand on my shoulder waking down the street with me, "those friends of yours they go crazy!" "I know they're great though." We carried on talking about Nova and Diana.

When we got back to the party most people were already completely gone. I looked around for Diana and Nova but however found Nate on the couch with Andrew I sat down next to Nate and tapped the spot next to me for Draco to sit and he did Nate put his arm around me and whispered in my ear, "Nova and Diana both got drunk and they fell asleep by the speaker" I looked over and the two girls were now asleep leaning on each other, that was a different kind of drunk those two. Draco was tense as he eyed me and Nate and I soon realised he was jealous. I told Nate subtly and he got up and took Andrew as they both went to Nova and Diana carrying them to what I would probably say were rooms.
I slid closer to Draco and snuggled up to his side as he instinctively placed his arm around me and we just sat there for a long time listening to the unfamiliar loud music and watching teenagers drink unnecessarily large amounts of alcohol, I would never understand why Muggles enjoyed partying so much. I despised it and from the looks of it Draco did too

Should I spice things up a notch.

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