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Everything was slowly crumbling beneath me. I knew what I needed to do; kill Dumbledore. Without Andromeda I was slowly going insane, without her I was lost a part of me was lost, tumbling down a never ending hole continuously falling as if questioning my whole existence without her. She was my rock, the person I told everything to, the person I cried to, the person I even changed myself for I broke my rules for her and she just forgot. I wasn't sure how it happened wether Voldemort did it to get to me make me vulnerable and weak, to make me have no choice but to do what was asked of me in order to save my family. Or maybe her demon side did something I didn't know. We shared a dorm now but I admired her from afar, she was meant to be my soulmate; my future wife, my best friend and now she was a distant memory that popped up every now and then. I hated that. She was doing great though I heard the rumours through my mum of how she was a ruthless killing machine for her brother, the Slytherins were all under her mind control since most had learned about her true identity. She was unstoppable, she used her powers on everyone and for any needed situation; she wasn't the Andromeda I remember meeting, or the one I went on holiday with the one who helped me and helped all her friends, but I had no idea how to make her remember me or those memories. My mother had told me how Voldemort used her and made her into the way she was right now and how only an immense feeling so powerful and potent could potentially bring her old ways back, but it wasn't guaranteed.

"Hey!" I looked over the couch from my day dream to see Andromeda standing there with a tiny black dress on, "black or red?" She then held up another similar dress but red and stared at me. "Black." She smiled and headed off to her room leaving me still sat with my thoughts. I was staring off into the fireplace when I heard sniffing from her room. I slowly got up and headed towards her door when I heard her crying more. I opened the door slowly turning the knob seeing her in the black dress sat on the floor with her head in her hands, "what are you doing?" She looked up at me through her teary eyes. "What's wrong?" She scoffed and started laughing at me, "as if you don't know, I'm his sister, I've killed lore people in the past month than most death eaters and i think I'm going insane." I stared at her and ran forwards embracing her in a hug. "What is wrong with me?" She cried slowly finally grabbing onto me to hug me back. "You're okay, you're gonna be okay" I shushed her slowly brushing her hair just how I knew she liked it. "That feels so familiar, you feel so familiar" she said and I could tell she was tired, exhausted really. I laid her down and pulled the blanket over her. What was happening to her?
Meda'a POV

I was drowning. I was slowly sinking further down into the black water more and more by every second I could feel water slipping into my lungs. And then I let it in. I let my last breath out and allowed the water to overtake my breathing, a rushing sense of panic overflowed my body but every death on my hands also came flashing back making me feel like maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to die. Suddenly I was being pulled out the water and taking a deep breath of air, my body was weak and a throbbing was hurting my head when I felt my knees collapse on the floor causing pain to flow through my body until I finally hit the floor.

Aight well imma like head out. I don't know what to write anymore heheh

 I don't know what to write anymore heheh

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