Chapter twenty-eight

Start from the beginning

"I know what it's like to be scared about loosing the only person you're close to. I was in your position once, believe me. I didn't have my parents. I didn't have my relatives. I didn't have my boss. All I had was a boy, and he hated me because of a stupid mistake I made." I said and she listened to what I said.

"But this isn't a time for stories or flashbacks." I said with a small smile. "All I'm trying to say is, you'll find people who care. And if you're stupid enough to try and not to fix it, then that's your problem. You have to fight for the ones you love, if not, you'll end up alone and confused." I said.

"Why are you being so nice to me right now?" she asked me. "I don't understand."

"I don't either." I said truthfully. "I guess it just reminded me of when I was in your position. And besides, I know you need Luke, and he needs you. He was a mess when he found out you were 'taken'." I said, putting quotation marks around taken.

"I really need to apologize huh?" she asked ane I gave her a 'no-shit' look. "Sorry, that was a stupid question."

"It's fine," I said and she nodded. "Just don't do this again. Because next time I won't be so forgiving and caring." I said and she nodded. "These boys may have softened me up but I'm still the best agent from the company I work for."

"Yeah," she said. Before she could continue someone burst into the room and I rolled my eyes. Chanel stood up and threw her hands in the air as soon as she seen him. "We were just talking I swear."

"Leo, what the hell?" I asked and he looked between the two of us. "You ruined our heart to heart and the door." I said and he shrugged.

"Luke told me she was in here and I got a bit panicked I guess." he said and I rolled my eyes. "Wait, are you two crying?"

"Uh," Chanel cleared her throst and wiped her eyes as she spoke, "no. I'm not crying," she said.

"Like I said Leo, heart to heart." I said and he nodded. "Also, I need you to call my boss. I need to talk to him." I said and he nodded again.

"Okay, just push the button if you need me," he said and I nodded. "I'll tell the boys you're okay and that you want them in?" he asked and I nodded.

"I don't think they wanna see me," she said and I chuckled. "What?"

"Of course they don't," I said and she hung her head low. "But they'll grow used to you again. This will all blow over and it'll be as if this whole thing never happened."

"What is she doing in here still?" I heard Luke ask and I rolled my eyes again. "Isabelle?"

"She's gonna apologize," I said and she looked at me panicked. "Yep, she's sorry and is gonna apologize." I said, shooting her a look. She nodded and looked at them.

Ashton seemed uninterested, along with Calum and Michael. But Ally and Luke on the other hand seemed like they were waiting for it. They most likey won't forgive her, but are waiting to hear her say the words 'I'm sorry.

"I uh, I'm sorry." she said awkwardly. "I erm, I won't say I didn't mean it, because at that moment I did, but I do regret it. Leo helped me figure out that David was just using me and that he was like controlling me. I guess I was just so in the moment I forgot I was my own person." she said laughing a bit as sue rubbed her arm.

"I truly am sorry. I don't deserve your forgiveness, and I don't expect you to forgive me so quickly, or at all, but I want you to at least know. You guys are the only people I have left and I fucked it all up by letting David treat me like a puppet. I-"

Luke sushed her and she immediately quieted down. "Look," he said and looked at me. I motioned for him to continue and he nodded. "I know you're sorry, but what you did back there, you can't just apologize for it. And I speak for all five of us when I say this. A sorry won't fix this. That wasn't like breaking my guitar or my favorite album. That was a life or death situation.

And at that moment, you tried killing Isabelle, and didn't do anything to help us. I understand I'm probably the only person you have right now, but until you can change my mind about you, I want you to stay away from me and my friends." Luke said and Chanel threw her hand over her mouth.

"I will," she said after a few seconds. "You can bet you're pretty little ass I will. Just watch me," she said as she walked out of the room. I sighed and Luke just collaped on a chair.

"Jesus, this whole thing is all so fucked up." Michael said and everyone agreed. "God knows how many fans we've upset because we didn't do any concerts, interviews, and all that. We're practically over."

So this was very shitty, I apologize. And as for the sequel idea, maybe. I'm not so sure yet. I might just start another bodyguard book but with a few more twists and turns and everything haha. I'll give you details once I've thought more into it.

If you want extra details and thoughts and updates on what I will start writing or am currently writing, you can follow me on twitter @//Lashtons_Reject *SELF PROMO, AM I 5SOS YET?*. That's where I kind of tweet about everything and ideas.

~Allena aka Mrs. Irwin aka Queen Reject

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