Chapter Three

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I literally couldn't do this without sharing how I imagined the first part of the cabin looked like. If you need context then once Jeff and Y/N enter the cabin they stand there for a while fooling with BEN. Toby and LJ are standing right in the middle of the kitchen, Toby in the mist of opening the fridge and the Laughing Jack behind him probably from previous conversation. They can see what's going on because there's an opening that separates the top cabinets from the lower ones.

"I thought you were joking when you said we were going to a cabin in the woods," I stared in awe at the place getting out the car. I wasn't amazed- no, but I was taken back that we were actually staying in a cabin.

"It's clear that I'm not so get to stepping." He used his knife to guide me along in front of him and I didn't complain. I didn't try to run coming to the conclusion that I should keep my legs intact and mouth shut before it gets cut off. It was a more than average sized cabin, somewhere you and your close relatives would stay as a tradition during the summer. As we approached the door my stomach starting acting a fool growling feverishly, Jeff stopped us in our tracks and looked at me like I was crazy.

"The hell was that."

"I haven't ate and it's almost three in the morning."

"You're telling me I have to feed you too?" he groaned.

I gave him a dumb look, "I'm human what did you expect?"

Jeff ignored my comment and reached for the door. The nervous pit in my stomach grew in depth as he opened it slowly teasing me from seeing what was inside.

Hurry up man.

The door was finally open and a person who was dressed as Link popped up in the doorway with a big grin on his face.

"Look who came back from the dead!" he laughed. "We all thought you were a goner. Damn, I even put a bet on it with Ej!"

My eyes couldn't peel away from his short build. Is he cosplaying or something? Do they do that here? I wouldn't give them the credit that they're humans but they look the part.

"I don't care, get out of the way." Jeff pushed past him which signaled me to follow in his tracks trying to blend in with the air.

I don't need the attention right now.

As soon as we moved the guy saw me and kept his gaze locked on me, his mouth opening into a full blown grin again.

"Oh, and who's this?" his mischievous eyes passed mine and met up with Jeff's.

"Don't touch her."

"I wasn't bro damn," he put up his hands in surrender. "Just wonderin' why you brought fresh meat over here."

"I'm wondering the same thing.." I said in a hushed tone looking around the cabin to see a color deprived clown and a boy with brown hair that held some orange and black goggles in the kitchen. They both stared at me confused, the clown in a playful way and the boy in a way that I could not interpret. This made goosebumps appear all over my body like a wave.

Link noticed this from being close to me and whispered. "I've got to figure out a way to burrow you from Jeffrey. Don't worry sweets we'll talk eventually."

His body then starting glitching in a terrifying manner making me grab onto Jeff's hoodie in fear. Jeff snatched his head back irritated and swung his knife at the wall merely missing Link's face by an inch.

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