
I was in the choir room with Tina, Blaine, Brittany and Artie looking at our national trophy. Blaine and I were linking arms. We heard footsteps behind us and all turned around to see Jacob and the camera guy.

(Jacob) "They said Rachel Berry was the group's undisputed star, so, really, the only question is: Which one of you is the new Rachel?"

He pointed his microphone at us and Blaine and I looked at each other smiling.

(Blaine and Mia) "We are."

(Tina) "I am."

(Brittany) "I am."

(Artie) "I am."

We all said that at the same time. Well that's not good. I was confused. It was obviously going to be Blaine and I like come on! I kept a smile on my face looking at the camera guy.


Ever since Sue had her baby and school started, she has made Kitty and I in a way babysitters. I honestly didn't really mind, I love kids. Whenever we didn't have class we would wait near Sue's office until she needs us which is at the moment. Kitty and I where sitting outside Sue's office on our phones and talking ever so often.

(Kitty) "Glee auditions are coming aren't they?"

(Mia) "Yeah. They are. Are you thinking of joining?"

(Kitty) "Oh hell no. I would rather die."

(Mia) "Then why did you ask?"

(Kitty) "I don't know. Just thought I would."

(Mia) "Ok then..."

There was a bit of silence. It was exactly awkward but it wasn't awesome either.

(Mia) "I saw you talking to some guy today. Is he your boyfriend?- "

(Kitty) "Who are you? My mother?"

(Mia) "I was going to say that if he was then damn because he is hot."

(Kitty) "Don't you have a boyfriend?"

(Mia) "Yes but I can still find other guys attractive."

(Kitty) "Well he isn't. Hasn't asked me out yet."

(Mia) "Well he is missing out because-"

(Sue) "Kitty! Mia! Get in here."

Kitty and I get out of our seats and I see Kurt in there with her.

(Kitty) "Yes, Coach Sylvester?"

(Sue) "I need you guys to change Robin's diaper, and the sing her a lullaby. Preferably something not yet butchered by the glee club. Good luck finding one."

(Mia) "Sure..."

I look at Kurt and mouth something to him saying Hi and he mouths Hi back. I walk up to the pram and smile at Robin.

(Sue) "Porcelain, you know Mia. This is Kitty. Mia is co-captain of the Cheerios and Kitty is my new head bitch. She's like a young Quinn Fabray, except she's not pregnant, manic-depressive, or in and out of a wheelchair."

I start to wheel the pram out of the room and stop at the door waiting for Kitty to open it.

(Kitty) "Shouldn't you be in college or something? I thought gay people were all successful overachievers."

(Mia) "Kitty!"

(Kurt) "I am very successful..."

Kitty opens the door and I walk out pushing the pram with Kitty following close behind. We walk down the halls down to a room that Sue made for the baby. When I say Sue I mean the people she forced to make it for her. We walk into the room and Kitty locks the door behind us.

Mia AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now