Out of the cell walked a young human, with dirty dark hair clinging to her scalp. She was the girl I had locked eyes with while Ren had been dragging me away from Hunter. The girl with the empty eyes.

"Took you long enough."

The moment her voice flooded my ears, my head snapped in Elena's direction. We locked eyes and in an instant I knew we had both recognized the human girl.


Almost hesitantly I moved my eyes back to Naia's younger sister. While I knew that she had been brought to Silver Moon for her punishment, I had never expected her to still be alive.

We need to tell Dyson that she's here, Edria urged me.

Without tearing my eyes off the human who had almost killed my Luna, I reached for the pack mind-link. Yet as seconds passed and I wasn't able to grasp a single connection, my hair prickled in alertness. Something wasn't right.

"Can you mind-link your mate?" I whispered to Elena, while keeping my eyes on the three females still standing in the middle of the long cell-covered room.

"No, she can't."

The male voice caused my stomach to squeeze into a tight ball, while I slowly turned. Elena was still standing a step behind me, but now she also had the tip of a sharp knife pressed against her throat and a large male plastered to her back.

Despite having met him only once, I instantly recognized him. Alpha Brie, of Yellow Moon. The Alpha who had sat across the table from me during the meeting.

Molly, Edria hissed. His scent.

In an instant I gathered what Edria was so repulsed by. The Alpha behind Elena didn't carry a single trace of a scent; the same state Naia had been in when I had first met her.

"Move," Alpha Brie barked.

I took one glance at Elena's wide open eyes and sank down from the last stair. The moment I stepped into the light of the hallway, the three women snapped their heads in my direction.

"What's going on?" Krystal hissed, while her eyes scanned over Elena and me.

"The two were spying on you," Alpha Brie said. "I told you to be more careful, sweetheart."

While I knew the three werewolves presented the bigger threat right now, I couldn't keep my eyes away from Aiko. Her empty eyes were staring right back at me, however, there wasn't a single flicker of recognition in them.

"Who are they?" Krystal narrowed her eyes at us.

"I think this one," Alpha Brie nodded in my direction, "is Tate's mate. She's also—"

"Kill them," Krystal ordered. "I don't care who they are. We need to get rid of them."

"Sweetheart, I don't think that would be the wisest idea."

"I'd listen to him, if I were you."

One moment Hunter's cold words sent a shiver up my arms and in the next he was standing right behind Krystal. He wrapped his elongated claws around her neck and pressed the sharp point against her skin. His midnight black eyes met mine and I swore, I could almost feel the anger bubbling inside him.

"Let them go or I'll kill your Luna."

The explosion of rage I expected from Alpha Brie never happened because the moment Hunter said his threat the other Alpha burst into a booming fit of laughter.

"You think I came alone?"

Before any of us could react, I felt the tip of something cold press against my lower back. My entire body stiffened, and I had to fight my own instincts to prevent myself from moving. Without looking, I knew what the metallic weapon I was being threatened with was.

I can't believe you once thought guns were interesting, Edria shook her head at me.

You're complaining about that right now? Are you forgetting that with one squeeze we're both dead?

Hunter's frozen expression from across the room, told me my guess was right. The weapon I was being threatened with was a gun, which would in return make the person holding the gun a human.

"You okay, Kimura?" A male voice asked from behind my back.

I shuddered in disgust because of two facts. One, because I forgot that Aiko still shared the same last name as Naia, and second, because I couldn't catch a single whiff of a scent coming from the hunter standing behind me. Another person whose scent had been removed.

Aiko glanced in the direction where I assumed the man behind me was standing and nodded, but she never uttered a single sound.

"Now, that we're all here, what shall we do with these three?" Alpha Brie glanced between Elena, Hunter and me.

"Kill them."

This time the order didn't come from the blonde she-wolf. It slipped out of a different female mouth and with a much colder tone.



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Much love

                - E

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