Maybe that was the reason he protected Minho. Because the older captivated him so much- made him so curious about him that it provided a goal to him. He finally received a small torch to help him find a fresh path from what he was going down previously.

"Stop staring at me," Minho sighs, Jisung perking up with eyes wide before snapping towards the river once more. "I get you want to ask questions- you do that a lot."

"Do I?" Jisung bit his tongue, screwing his eyes shut and shaking his head at his idiocy. "-That was a question."

"Questions can get you killed." Minho nods, laughing and gesturing to Jisung. "But go ahead... Ask a question, I'll let you."

"Do you- Do you miss your brother?"

Minho shrugs, staring at the water. He almost seemed unsure- but Jisung wouldn't see him as any other person if he turned down the question or said "No." The last he's seen of Yongbok was 12 years ago. He's neither heard of nor from him and the sudden news of him would certainly misguide his feelings. Jisung wouldn't judge him for replying with a harsh answer.

"Sometimes. Usually, when I fish, I think about Yongbok."

"So you've been thinking of him recently?"

"Of course- especially with you around."

"So why won't you go back to Baekje just for him?"

"Because he's lived long enough to know that he doesn't need me. I mean- what you were told about me was probably the opposite of what you see now, right? Yongbok would see the complete opposite of what he expected his brother to be. And honestly? I'm fine with not returning. I mean, what do I have to lose by staying here? I've lost interest in the throne. I'm not the crown prince anymore. I'm just- Lee Minho."

"What happened anyway?" Jisung clears his throat, Minho yanking back his fishing rod. A fish flew from the river, Minho smiling wide as he places their potential dinner into the basket between the two of them. "Back then."

"Be a little more specific than that-" Minho snorts, replacing the bait on the hook before casting it out into the water again. "A lot of things happened back then."

"I mean- what caused you to be exiled?"

"Hm- Pass."


"I don't think we're on that level yet," Minho turns to Jisung, the younger tilting his head lightly. "For all I know you might be a spy."

Jisung's frown deepens, furrowing his eyebrows and scratching his head. He knew the older was teasing him, but he couldn't help the small, very minuscule offense he took to that. "A spy? I promise I'm not a spy though."

"Hm, maybe I'll tell you. Someday, but not today," he laughs, Jisung shaking his head before nodding. The younger yelps, yanking his fishing rod when something almost pulled it from his hands. Pulling the fish from the water, Minho whistles at it, nodding with eyebrows shooting up. "Next question."

"Well-" Jisung places the floundering fish into the basket, he turns to Minho, settling the fishing rod beside his sword scabbard. "If you're really thinking of never returning... What would you say to Yongbok? If that were your last words to him?"

Minho hesitates, blinking. He parts his lips to say something but pauses, observing the calm river, tracing the lines on the water the fishing pole cast out. The first droplets of rain fell on the water and Jisung glanced up at the light shower. "I would say, Yongbok. I'm sorry Hyeong doesn't want to return to you. Honestly..." Minho hangs his head, sighing and shrugging. "There were days that I wished you were born after I had left, so you wouldn't hurt so much, so you wouldn't remember me. And really, why do you have to be so persistent? You just had to send Han Jisung, didn't you?"

Jisung snorts, shaking his head as Minho smiles at him.

"Okay, let me ask a question about you," Minho pulls the fishing rod from the water, catching a small fish but placing it into the basket anyway, turning to the thief. "You're so mysterious. You say you come from Silla, but you dodge the question. What did you start out as?"

"Uh- Pass?"

"Not for you," Minho brightens, Jisung's eyes widening. "I'm older. And you still consider me to be the prince- and don't get me started about the display you had the other day!" Minho exclaims. "Clearly, killing someone made you think of something horrible."

"Well- Uhm..." Jisung scratches his head, pulling his hair. "In Silla... I was born there with my sister. Instead of studying, I was so interested in sword fighting, I-"

The two perk up at low grumbling, glancing up at the sky. The two weren't bothered by the light rain, but it grew heavier, coating the two in water.

"Shit... We should've brought the horses," Minho sighs, jumping to his feet. He grabs the basket, gesturing to the younger. "Hurry, we need to go back."

Grabbing his fishing rod and scabbard, Jisung follows the older back toward the village, trying to catch up to the bandit who had already run up ahead.

Before they were caught in the nearing storm.

Almost Killing the Prince | Minsung ✓Where stories live. Discover now