chapter 2

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Chapter 2 -"A day in town"


I woke up bright and early, I looked to my side and Jay was already up.

"Morning."I smiled he gave me a morning kiss.

"Morning baby. After we get breakfast, how about I take you out today."he tells me as I get up

"I'd love that."I stretch my arms up I make my way down to the kitchen. Jayson lived alone which was nice. I meet his parents before and they treated me like I was one of there one child.

"So, I thought that you know since we've known each other for a long time..."

"Yes?"I asked raising my brow.

"Well, I wanted to know if you'd. you know.... Wanna get married?"he asks

I was shocked I mean he hasn't even told me he loved me.

"Jay , I don't know. " I sigh

"Baby, its okay I'll give you time"he smiles he holds my hand

"Okay."I smile back

He leaves me alone to get dressed. I get my blue circle skirt on and a white blouse.then I French braided my hair , also I slapped on some makeup.

"You look good."he takes my hand

"Thanks."I blush.

We get in his 1954 Chevy truck and we head into town.

"Were do you wanna go?"he asks turning down the raido. A Elvis Presley song comes on.

"Anywhere with you."I smile

"Well that could be anywhere. Silly."he jokes I poke my tongue at him.

"How about, we go shopping."I perk up.

"Uh... Fine I know how you like to shop."he groans I laugh.

We go to lunch and we make our way to the booth in the back.

"Hey, I'll  be back I left my purse in the car."I smile at him he nodded and kissed my cheek .

I walked back to the chruch and got my purse. On the way in I saw a Elvis Presley poster. He was everywhere these days.

"I'm back."I said as I sat in the booth he took my hand and placed a wet kiss on my lips.

"I'm glad."he chuckled

"Did ya know elvis is playing here at the fair next week?"I asked he nodded yes.

"Yea. My buddy at work told me, he said he could get us tickets you know if you want."

"Yes! I'd like that."I say

We ordered a pizza to share and we took off shopping. He let me pick out anything I want. So I got a couple of shorts, blouses, jewelry, makeup and dresses.

"I'm tired."he says as we get back home he plops down on his sofa.

"Yea, me too."I yawn I look at the clock 11:00 at night.

"Let's hit the hay."he laughed I smiled

Today was a long day but in glad it was a good day.

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