chapter 36.

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Joy POV.

Amelia and Mia played with the neighborhood kids, Elvis was playing 'Great Balls of Fire' on the piano. Everyone was among there own conversations.

"Hey. Sorry we came late. Carol had a meeting." Jayson came in. I was picking out some food in the kitchen.

"Oh. It's fine." I smiled. Jayson scratched the back of his neck.

"So, how's Elvis?" He asked.

"You don't have to ask." I shook my head. Sitting on the counter. Jayson nodded.

"I Do, Joy. I do." He replied.

"He's different. But I like it." I smiled warmly.

"I'm glad." He smiled back.

"Daddy!!" Mia toddled in. Jayson smiled wide lifting his 2 year old daughter up.

"How's, my little girl." Jayson kissed her head.

Carol came walking in with a cigarette in her hand. I almost lost it.

"Joy." Carol gave me a look.

"Carol." I rolled my eyes.

Jayson set Mia down. She ran out.

"Uh, I'll be going this way." Jayson pointed. Backing away.

"How is your, rock star of a husband?" Carol asked sarcastically. Like she cared.

"Oh, he's just fine."I narrowed my eyes. She got up moving closer.

"You know I read the papers-"

"What about them?" I cut her off. Crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh, you know. How. He's a cheater. with what's her name, oh yeah. Ann Margaret." She smiled.

"Well, I don't believe those." I shrugged.

"Even the picture of Elvis kissing Ann Margaret?" She asked.

I was boiling up inside. Yet when I was gonna explode Elvis called my name.

"Oh, and by the way. Have fun playing house wife. While Jayson is with me everyday." She whisper near me.

Elvis POV.

It was cake time. Joy was no where to be seen. I've called her name a thousand times. Finally she came rushing in.

"Sorry, I was busy." Joy mumbles. Carol came right in after, with a smirk. I glanced at her. She winked.

I rolled my eyes, paying my attention to Joy.

"Whats with you?" I ask just above a whisper.

"Nothing is with me." She coldly said. I scrunched my face.

"Now, here's the birthday boy!" Frank Sinatra, came in. I smiled making my way towards him.

"Nancy, Frank. How are ya?" I smiled, shaking his hand.

"We're just fine, where's your wife of yours?" Nancy asked. Soon Joy came with a bright smile and they took off.

"So, tell me E. Papers say you and Ann Margaret have a thing?" Frank said smoking his fat cigar.

"Yeah, but I don't man. I guess it was just a thing you know?" I sighed.

"Is it still going on?" Frank asked. I looked to see if Joy was anywhere insight.

"A little." I shrugged.

"She's hot E. "Frank Sinatra, patted my back.

"Oh, Elvis!" I heard a voice. Oh. Great.

"Elvis, how come you didn't tell me you were having a party?" The Ann Margaret came in. Her red hair, up in a bun. With a magenta dress on.

"Because. Your not supposed to be here." I pullled her into the jungle room.

"I had too see you." She whispers, pulling me close.

Joy POV.

Nancy and Me made our way to the built in Bar, Elvis installed. We talked and talked. And drinked and drinked.

"So, I told him. If you don't like it leave!" Nancy said between giggles.

"And he just left?" I raised my brow.

"Yep, I couldn't put up with it." She sighed with her martini in her hands.

"Do you miss him?" I asked.

"Of course, but I mean I don't miss the constant arguing." She replied.

"Hey, let's do something fun!"I piped up. Nancy narrowed her eyes.

"Like?"She asked with a smile.

But before I could say anything Elvis came strutting down the stairs. I held my giggles.

"Whats so funny girls?" He asked as he sat in his black leather couch.

"Oh, nothing." We said in unison. Elvis shook his head.

"Women!" He murmurs.

I walked towards him, landing in his lap. I knew he could tell I was drunk.

"Your, drunk aren't you?" He asked. I gently pulled on his hair. Giggling.

"No, what makes you think that." I asked between giggles. He picked me up carrying me bridal style.

"I can tell." He responded. He carried me through the threshold that led to our bedroom.

"I wanna be with you, at the party." I frowned when he gently threw me on the bed.

He removed my heels, and my stockings.

"Elvis!" I whined. Elvis smirked hovering above me.

"Calm down, your too tense." He whispers, seductively.

My breathing became hitched. He slowly kissed my jaw line, down to my chest. I couldn't contain my urge. I needed him.

I gripped the sheets under me, struggling to keep still.

"E-Elvis!" I moaned. I gripped his hair as he kissed my neck.

He gently kisses my lips. I forced mine to his. He slowly unzipped my dress. Throwing it behind him.

"Get, to bed." He smirked. Before standing up.

"What?!" I asked, bewildered. I sat up.

"Like I said, get to bed." He repeated. Confused I stood up and watched him, taking his shoes off.

"What about what just happened.?" I questioned. He looked up from me.

"You need sleep." He flat out said. I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Fine, fine!" I threw my hands up in defeat. I mummbled a few words. As I turned out the lights.

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