Vrishali open the Karna gift a Necklace

Draupadi- Jysthat just gifted you but  I selected this for you jiji

Vrishali- Thankyou Draupadi Mata

Kunti- I can't wait for the time when you and Karna get married

Meanwhile in Hastinapur

Karna- Parnipat Pitamah

Bheeshma- Ayushman Bahva putra Karna what happend you came to my room at this time

Karna- I have to talk to you

Bheeshma- What happened Karna

Karna- Pitamah what I am going to say may hurt but it will be good for everyone

Bheeshma- What happened Putra Karna say it clearly

Karna- Mamashri Shakuni he provoked jyshat pitashri against me and my brothers

Bheeshma- Dhitrashtra said something

Karna- No but his dream and Duryodhan's Ambition to became Maharaj of Hastinapur I can see it
and for the betterment of Hastinapur and Kuruvansh I realised that you should Divide Hastinapur into 2 parts

Bheeshma- Karna There will be no partition as long as I am alive and don't worry about Shakuni Dhitrashtra and Duryodhan you are the worthy heir and you will be the King of Hastinapur

Karna- Ok Pitamah if you make me king then Mama Shakuni and Duryodhan will do everything to remove me from throne thier will be Conspiracy to kill me and my family and Not every human is lucky enough to escape from the Conspiracy every time Pitamah Parnipat Pitamah

Bheeshma was broken from inside after listening what Karna said his Vow to protect Hastinapur but he has to see the Partition of Hastinapur to Bheeshma went to Vidura and tells everything to him

Vidura- Tatshree I agree with Karna Shakuni try to burn Bhabhi Kunti and 5 Pandu Sons alive in Lakshagrah can do anything and I think you should Divide Hastinapur into 2 if you want see them alive

Vidura- Tatshree I agree with Karna Shakuni try to burn Bhabhi Kunti and 5 Pandu Sons alive in Lakshagrah can do anything and I think you should Divide Hastinapur into 2 if you want see them alive

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After somedays Kunti Yudisther and Draupadi back to Hastinapur

Kunti- Karna

Karna- Parnipat Mata

Kunti- Vrishali is really perfect for you you are made for each other

Karna Blushes Draupadi and Yudisther tells everything about what happened in Vindya

1 Month later the ritual were started in Hastinapur and Vindya

Dhitrashtra- Vidura Invitation has been sent

Vidura- Yes jyshat the Invitation is sent to relatives and friendly Kingdom 

Dhitrashtra-  Good

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