Oh my god... I thought back to when I broke my wrist when I was eight. I fell down Melissa's stairs when the boys and I tried to slide me down the stairs in a laundry basket. It was a stupid idea, and Melissa was furious with Scott for allowing it, but I was okay. And my mom knew it was going to happen, before it did. She got visions just like me. I shook my head before turning back to the worn page.

I don't know, it was strange. All of these dreams are strange. It's making it hard for me to sleep, with all of this going on.  I don't know what to do, I wish someone could just tell me what's wrong with me. 

A sigh left my lips, she was so scared and confused. A lot like me, actually. I turned the page, the handwriting was messily scrawled across the page denting in the paper like she wrote it in a rushed frenzy. She didn't even write 'dear diary' or any other introduction. 

I had a dream last night. I was standing out by my Jeep the blue one I bought last summer and this guy came up to me. He was older and cute he had light brown hair and blue-green eyes. And he was tall really tall. Anyways he asked me out to the movies and I had said yes. This dream came true today he walked up to me and said his names Noah Stilinski and he asked me out to the movies. Im totally freaking out rite now. Obviously I said yes though. I just hope it goes well.

I couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled from my throat. This is how she met my father. I remember dad telling me the story of their first date but, it's so much better reading it in her words--misspelling and all. 

I flipped to another page, this one was more delicately written. 

Dear Diary (I still feel weird writing that)

I told my mom, about my dreams and everything. She said she knew, that the same thing happened to her when she was younger. I guess the gift goes away once your daughter turns fifteen and 'takes over' the gift. She said we're seers. I'm not sure how to feel about all of this, but it felt good to talk with someone about all these secrets I've been keeping bottled up. I thought I was going crazy, but I'm not. I'm just a mythical creature straight out of a greek mythology book. The only thing I feel certain about is Noah and I can never tell him about this. He's so great, he wants to be a cop after he graduates this year. I still don't know what I want to do, maybe I'll be a writer or something. I've always enjoyed it, maybe I can predict the future onto the pages? My future... that's still so weird to me.  

My fingers brushed across the page lightly, a small smile on my lips. She wanted to be a writer. A loud ringing broke me from my thoughts and I turned to my phone that was lit up. 'Stiles' was flashing across the screen. 

"Hello?" I set the closed journal onto the coffee table, sitting up on the couch with my legs crossed under me. "Victoria, hey, we just got Malia back to her dad and I can read again, so how cool is that?" 

I laughed, leaning back on the couch, getting more comfortable now that I knew nothing was wrong. "So are you and dad on your way home?" I asked, yawning while I spoke. I'm not sure how long I'd been reading. "Yeah, he has to stop by the station first but I'm gonna take the jeep and I'll be home soon."

"Want me to order pizza?" I asked, I heard the sound of a car door shutting. "Yeah. Let me see what dad wants." I nodded although he couldn't hear me, listening as my dads voice drifted through the line quietly, only allowing me to make out a little of what he was saying.. "Tell her...be good." 

Stiles said bye to my dad and then I heard him starting the jeep. "Well?" I questioned after a moment. "Oh, he said the money is on the counter and that he'll be home late." I frowned slightly, "I hope he doesn't lose his job..." I trailed off, my left hand picking at the hem of my shirt. 

I heard Stiles sighing, "hey, don't worry about that. He'll be fine. We'll all be fine." I nodded, "you're right. I'll see you soon, love you." "Love you." The line went dead and I went to turn off my phone, checking it first. 

A message from Scott lit up my screen. 

From Scott: We got the girl back, she's with her dad. Are you busy tonight?

I smiled before responding. 

To Scott: Stiles and I are going to do a pizza night if you wanna join? 

My finger tapped the side of my phone while I waited for a response, Scott was usually quick to respond. Not a moment later, my phone vibrated. 

From Scott: Sure, I'll come over after I bring my mom her dinner. See you soon. 

To Scott: Okay, tell her I said hi. 

I stood from the couch, my stomach growling at the promise of food. I found the phonebook pretty quickly and it didn't take me long to find the number. I called and ordered a large pepperoni pizza, a large combination pizza, and a pepsi because it honestly sounds so good right now. 

The sound of the door opening and closing caught my attention. "Hey, I just ordered the pizza, they said they'd be here in 45 minutes." I called to, who I'm assuming is Stiles. "I was thinking we could watch Halloween? Seeing as Friday is Halloween?" 

I padded out to the livingroom to see Stiles standing there with moms notebook in his hand. My smile dropped from my face. He looked at me with confusion, "you went through mom's things without me?" I sighed. 

"It's not like that, Stiles. Mom was like me, she saw things..." I explained nervously, if I'm honest, I really wanted to keep this between me and my four-month-pregnant self. It's not like I wasn't going to tell him, I planned on telling everyone eventually. It's just, it felt good to have something that was just my own. 

Stiles looked down at the book, opening to a random page, he ran his thumb across the ink. "I wish you would've told me." Now it was my turn to get upset, even though I shouldn't be, I felt my emotions bubble up. "Yeah, and you should've told me what was going on with you and Scott, but you kept that secret for a whole year. You can't get mad at me for not sharing this with you when I've only just discovered this!" 

My brother looked taken aback for a second. A frown formed on his face as he put down the notebook and walked over to me, surprising me by wrapping his arms around my shoulders. My face relaxed and I wrapped my arms around him, my belly pushed against his making it obvious just how pregnant I am. "I'm sorry." I mumbled into his shoulder. 

"No, I'm sorry. You're right, I shouldn't be upset." He pulled away, turning to the t.v. "So, should I turn on Halloween?" I nodded, smiling widely, glad that our small disagreement was forgotten. 

I shook my head with a scrunched up face. "No, Oaklee Jane isn't a good name." I popped a piece of popcorn in my mouth while looking at my brother, who had just offered Oaklee as a name for my baby girl. 

"Are you two stuck on Jane as the middle name?" He asked, taking the popcorn from my hands. I rolled my eyes and went to respond but, Scott beat me to it. "Yeah, Jane is a good middle name." 

I smiled triumphantly. "Exactly, now more name ideas, lets go!" I stole the popcorn back, the buttered flavor was incredible. "Charlotte?" I shook my head. "Vanessa?" I pulled a face, "too mainstream." 

"Too main-- too mainstream? It's a name!" Stiles argued exasperated. I rolled my eyes, "my point exactly. She needs to have a name that's unique to her. Something like... Novah--ooh, I actually kinda like that name." I wrote Novah Jane down in my notebook. Scott, Stiles, and I were compiling a list of potential names for the twins. 

Scott choked out a laugh as Stiles began laughing. I looked up at the two, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What?" Scott shook his head, "nothing, Novah is very... unique." Stiles scoffed, "the name sucks Victoria." 

"Oh shut up, Mieczyslaw." I smirked as his smile dropped. Scott lightly laughed from beside me as we watched Stiles' face pull a hurt look, "you promised we'd never speak of that name again!" I rolled my eyes, unable to contain my giggles, even when Stiles threw popcorn at me. 

A/N: Just a short little chapter, nothing big. Hope you all enjoyed it! Also, thank you so much for all the votes and comments!! You have no idea how much your support means to me. Until next time, XO

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