Part 12: America:

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A/N: This book is written in English, but they speak French, not English.

"Spots off." Ladybug said.

"Dismount." Horrorse said.

Marinette's POV:

I wonder what everyone's doing back home. Adrien and I just arrived in America.

"Uh, Mari??" Adrien said, "I speak fluent Chinese, but I hardly know any English."

"It's okay. I took it for 4 years." I said.

I found a currency exchange place.

"Excuse me?" I said to the guy working there, "How much does this total to?" I handed him £500,900. He gave me back $542,524.79.

I thanked him and put the money in the suitcase.

We stopped at a nice café that had delicious bubble tea. It was soooo good!! I then saw a girl about my age there, and I went over and talked to her. 

"Hi!" I said, "I'm Marinette, and this is Adrien. We just moved here briefly from France. He hardly knows any English." I translate everything I'm saying to Adrien.

"Anyway, we were wondering if you knew of any schools around here." I said. It was 4:05 PM Eastern Time in Washington DC on a Wednesday, so I assumed that her school was close.

"Yeah, my school is two doors down." she said, "By the way, I'm Vivian."

Vivian had light brown hair in a ponytail and brown eyes. She looked like an athlete, although I bet Alix could easily beat her in a race.

"Thanks Vivian!!" I said.

Adrien and I went into the school, and man were there a lot of kids.

We walked in without being noticed and walked to the front desk.

"Hi..." I said.

"Who are you?" The lady working there said.

"My name is Marinette, and I just moved here temporarily from France. I want to finish up school, but I don't have any school, and a nice girl called Vivian told us about this place." I said.

"'Us'?" The lady said.

"Yeah, this is Adrien. He doesn't speak English." I said.

"Bonjour." The lady said.

"Hi." Adrien said.

"Can you help us?" I asked.

"Young lady, where are your parents??" She asked.

"Uh...Paris?" I said.

"Paris...FRANCE?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah?" I said, "Look, we just need to finish up the school year, and then we'll go. We'll give you $2,000. $1,000 for each of us."

"Girl you two are IN!" Said a teacher who had been listening in, "Let me give you two a tour. These stairs are for going down ONLY. Do not come up through them." He took us around to the other side of the floor and showed us the up stairs. This seemed like such a cool school!! And it was downtown too, so we're allowed to leave the building for lunch! Awesome!! The teacher said that we'd follow Vivian tomorrow and Friday, just to get a feel of the school, and then actually start next Monday. That seemed good enough. Also, there was a French teacher who offered to tutor Adrien in English from 4-5 after school. They said that Adrien and I world get the same schedule. I. Can't. WAIT!!

A/N I hope you liked this chapter!! This is a real school in Washington DC. I googled schools in DC just for this chapter, and this one had a perfect location!!! 548 words!

Stay connected!!

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