The Irreplaceable Piece

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Vulnerability. That was something that caused Maxine Merit so much conflict it often left her wondering why her heart has yet to wither away and relinquish. Strength was something that Maxine lacked, and all of her problems came when she found the one who she believed she could love and cherish with all of her heart. The one who was her other half, the one who fit into her. But, she always seemed to be wrong in everything she believed in because a broken heart shoved the truth in her face so suddenly that she did not know what to do. With a broken heart so corrupted, nothing could have dragged her out of the inescapable darkness that enveloped her. No amount of medication can heal the broken, no amount of fixed smiles could crack the smallest flicker of light in her blackened heart, and no amount of second, third, or even fourth chances could unscar her of her hurt and confusion. All this broken-heartedness caused her so much grief, she found herself shoved and trapped in between four white walls. With a silence so piercing, the voices inside of her head screamed at her and kept her company. They were her only friends and unlike everyone else, they never seemed to leave her.

They wouldn't dare.

She was all alone in this god-forsaken room and she was bound like a prisoner; the only human she has really seen for god knows how long was a lank and pale woman who dropped by with her much-needed necessities. Maxine loathed her, however, because she knows of this woman's true intentions. She was seeking to take away her only true friends. The woman who went by the foolish name of Dr. Embezzle tried to take the very thing that kept Maxine alive and sane. When she thought back to what made her this way she wanted to laugh at her own stupidity. He haunted her every second. From the moment she settles into her slumber, She could still see him. From the moment she arises, she could still feel him.


When she first met him, the light that glistened from the shimmering lake perfectly expressed her conflicted thoughts in being at that place at all. That place was forbidden and sacred, and Maxine knew she shouldn't have been there. The prickling green grass tickled her toes as she cast a doubtful glance towards her "companion" Patel Snake. Maxine was a meek girl back then and now that she thought back to it, she cursed herself for being so submissive and naive.

"P-Patel...we shouldn't be here. The...the do not enter sign made it very clear that we-" Maxine sputtered then but was abruptly interrupted.

"Awe, come on Maxine, that's what gives us the thrill. Live a little!" Patel playfully smacked Maxine on the arm causing her to wrap her arms around herself and shiver. Thinking back on it, Maxine should have yelled and scolded at her in contempt. Her eyes flickered towards the opposite end of the lake and they widened as they cast upon a figure. It seemed like a shadow at first glance, but she was terribly mistaken. It was him. The wind lifted his ashy brown hair and the sunlight's beam glistened off his tanned skin, but that was not what caught her eye, no, it was, however, his own eyes. His radiating orbs were a deep violet that held a mysterious disposition. Her heart had skipped a beat when his beautiful eyes suddenly locked upon hers, and it seemed as if the entire world halted and shattered, and all she could see was him. His jaw tightened, and his violet pupils dilated before he suddenly straightened up and turned his back to her. He walked into the dark depths of the ostensibly never-ending forest. Maxines' brows lifted in curiosity and, for whatever reason, desired to follow this mysterious creature. 

She also did not know what force caused her to open her mouth and say, "Excuse me Patel, but I will be back."

The Maxine then would not have known that those very words would have ruined her life and cause her so much grief, but her curiosity was peaked to an obscene level which cast away all of her original inhibitions. Patel did not even question her as Maxine quickly walked away and waltzed around the giant boulders that led to the opposite side of the strange forest. She flinched as switches and rocks pricked at her bare feet. When she was sure that she had reached the other end of the forest, seeing that she could faintly distinguish Patel's form from the opposite side of the forest, her doubts flooded over her like a tsunami. Every fiber in her body begged her to turn back, but she couldn't bring herself to. Therefore, Maxine began to take more uncertain steps into the seemingly thicker side of the forest.

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