I sighed.

"Problem? Do you want to go to the garden?"

This was what I liked about him. In just a month, he already knew when I felt angry, hungry, good, and uncomfortable.

He went behind me to push my wheelchair out of my room.

Everyone greeted me light-heartedly when we went out.

"Blair, come on! Smile!" A patient called at the top of her lungs.

She had been doing that for weeks.

I was happy, but I found it hard to smile. It felt like I didn't have any rights to do it.

"Hey, back to earth!"

I pulled a face. "Are we friends? Why would you talk informally to me?"

He laughed.

"I don't know. I just felt that we're close already."

He looked at me, then laughed again.

"Why? What is it?" I asked, annoyed.

"I don't know." He answered mischievously.

"I guess, you're just happy that I'll be leaving soon."

He didn't answer and was just staring into space.

I cleared my throat to break off the silence but he still didn't budge.

"Um... H-Hey... back to earth?"

He finally turned his gaze to me. "Are we friends?" He laughed again.

What a weirdo.

I will definitely miss him. He always had this attitude that you couldn't resist but like.

Wait... did I just think of missing him? And... like? Liking him? 


"What are you gonna do when I leave?"

I looked at him as I asked.

I gasped when our eyes met.

Had he been staring at me? Did he know that I was thinking about him?

He just smiled.

How many times should he smile?

I was about to look away when I noticed something. It was just quick but I was sure I caught sight of it.

I saw... dejection.

Hope and Love, Hope in Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now