Chapter 11

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The next morning we got up we ate breakfast together as a pack. I then introduced our guests to the pack. After eating breakfast the grandparents took the pups to a children's museum in the city. Then Mandarin asked, "we need a room big enough for the Royal guard and the prisoners to be in. Plus an area for my beloved and your mate to stand and be protected."

"We will use the indoor training arena. We have 12 in our prisons and 3 still recovering. The doctors are still trying to figure out why the three have not healed."

I had Wren and Donna were in the observation room. We were standing inside the room. Mandarin said. "Have them all come up and stand or sit here in front of this wall." He points to a wall. "Wren will divide them into groups. The guards can move them to where she indicates."

Wren looks at the wolves and they come in. She starts to call out, "please put 1, 4, 8, 9 and 12 together. Have them leave the room and bring them back later." The Warriors take them back to their cells. "Place 2 and 6 together and bring them back later. Then 3, 7 and 10 can go, but they are not grouped together and can be called back later."

This left #11 and she did not say anything. I heard Donna trying to talk to her. She looked at Donna and said, "bring in a warrior who is deaf. In the future he need isolated and who ever guards him needs his ears protected."

Donna says in a link to all in the pack and to the warriors, "Everyone but Mandarin leave the room. Then do we have any warriors from past to present that are deaf? We need them to report for duty to me within 5 minutes."

Colin walked in and said, "why did you call all of us out of the room?"

Wren spoke up, "What do you know about auras?"

"I admit only what I have read and they conflict."

"Well I have learned auras colors mean different things. What I see may be different that what others see, but we learn how to interpret the colors. With him I see he is a mix of black, red and purple.  With him the black means he is one many fear and he is true evil. The red means he is angry and dishonest. However it is purple that worries me- it means he could have psychic ability to persuade others to do his doing. He can use his voice to persuade people. He is very intuitive about people's strength and weakness. He is a visionary who will exploit others to do his bidding. Even though he is not an Alpha, Beta or third in command he is a leader. Since he has that ability it tells me he is a hybrid of some sort."

"It is his voice that is doing it?"


Knock knock knock "enter." I look over and see 3 pack members standing there. Two are elders and one is a young warrior who was injured a couple years back. They are all deaf. I motion them to wait. Then boot up a computer and type what we have discussed. I then type them to go guard the prisoner and bring him to a special prison. Do not go into that cell. Do not let him know your deaf."

They walk out and Colin calls in a pack doctor. "I want him sedated and kept sedated until you can remove his voice box. Then we will have him escorted to SPA council to decide if he lives or dies. He voice is his power so we are taking about his voice as our pack punishment."

He nods and leave to go prep for surgery and get together his team who will assist.

Donna looked at Wren and said, "why did you have me keep Mandarin in there?

"He is a vampire and a wolf cannot persuade him unless they are his beloved. Which I am." Then us girls laugh. "Now let us bring in the next group 1, 4, 8, 9 and 12"

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