Paul: You had been together for eight months when it finally happened. He wanted to kiss you way sooner, but he was also trying to respect you and wait until you were ready. The only problem was that he never asked you. You were ready for it though and had been for a while. You were at your house and had just ordered takeout for you guys to pick up. Paul was sitting on the couch flipping through channels on the tv. You couldn't take it anymore. Once you ended the call, you walked over to the couch and stood in front of him. Before he could ask what you were doing, you leaned in to kiss him. He had barely gotten to kiss back when you pulled away and went to walk to the kitchen again. Before you could, he grabbed your wrist and turned you back to him. "Where do you think you're going?" He kissed you again, with no intentions of stopping anytime soon.

Sam: It was a quick kiss, but it held the same emotion as any long kiss would. You and him were fixing dinner for the pack one night, the boys were in the living room while the two of you were in the kitchen. You had just finished getting everything ready and you were about to call for the boys to come fix their plates when Sam stepped in front of you and placed his hands on your hips. "Thank you," he said before pressing a kiss to your lips. He pulled away and smiled at you. "You're very welcome," you replied before pressing your lips back to his.

Leah: It happened during a causal conversation you were having. Neither of you could think of anything to do that you hadn't already done together before and you were trying to brainstorm some ideas. After a few minutes of silence, an idea finally came to you. "You know what we haven't done?" you asked. "What?" she questioned, looking confused. "This," you answered as you leaned in toward her. She let out a laugh and met you halfway. The kiss was sweet and shirt, but amazing nonetheless.

Edward: At first he wasn't going to kiss you. He wanted to, so badly, but was afraid of what might happen if he did. He ignored the urge for the longest time, until it became to much for him to handle. You had laughed about something he said and smiled at him with adoration. Before he knew what he was doing, he'd already had his lips on yours. You were taken aback at first but soon relaxed into it. It wasn't short, but it wasn't long either. It still felt perfect though. "I'm sorry," he said. "I should've asked first." You let out a laugh and shook your head in disagreement. "No, that was perfect. We can do it again, if you want."

Emmett: It wasn't planned, really. It happened in the moment. He had been wanting to go on a hike with you, and kept pestering until you finally agreed to it. And you were fine at first, but after an hour of going on hills and stuff like that with no break, you got a little tired. He laughed at you and said that he forgot that humans need a little more time than vampires did, and he told you to hop on his back. You got on and let him wander around as he pleased, he paused after ten minutes and told you that he wanted to go up on the mountain where you guys could watch the sunset. When you got to a decent, stable height he let you slide off his back and held you close to him. The sky was turning a beautiful orange, yellow, and purple color. You were both quiet for a while before he interrupted it, "I really want to kiss you right now." You smiled at him. "Do it then." And he did. He kept his hold on you, it started out slow and gentle but soon became a bit more rough and messy. He knew when to pull away though. "We should continue this on solid ground, like on grass".

Jasper: He has planned it, sort of. It was late in the day, and was dark outside. The only light coming from the moon, stars and the small bit of light coming from the Cullen home. You were slow dancing, enjoying each other's presence. Your head was to his chest when he asked, "May I kiss you? I hate to interrupt our dance, but..." you smiled to yourself and pulled back to look at him. "You may," you answered. He grinned at you before moving his hands to cup your face. "Thank you, ma'am," he said before closing the gap between you. The kiss lasted all of about ten seconds. It was firm and sweet. Absolutely perfect. When you pulled apart, you continued to dance, occasionally breaking routine to kiss each other again.

Alice: She was setting up a party when you had decided to kiss her. Of course, she knew it was coming so she expected it. She was setting up a table when you stood beside her. She looked over at you with a knowing grin on her face and a gleam in her eyes. "Well, come on. What're you waiting for?" You couldn't help but laugh before you kissed her. It was a playful, loving kiss. Once you pulled away, she leaned in to kiss you once more. The table could wait a few minutes.

Rosalie: She wanted you to make the first move. She wasn't sure why, but she did. You didn't know this though and had made no sort of move at all, you hadn't even hinted at it. It was driving her crazy. You were in your room looking for a movie for the both of you to watch while she was sitting on your bed. After you put the movie in and sat down next to her. She waited for a moment. When nothing happened, she sighed loudly. "Fine, if you won't do it, I will." With that the grabbed your face and pulled you into a long, much needed kiss. You were surprised and she was finally satisfied, mostly.

Bella: She didn't exactly get to ask you to be her girlfriend on her terms, but she sure as hell was going to kiss you on them. She planned it and wasn't going to let anyone or anything mess it up. You were sitting in the passenger seat of her truck trying to plan your weekend together when she leaned over and kissed you. It was short at first, but that was only because she wanted to kiss you longer and more passionately in a place where you could be alone and not be seen. Which, she did once the two of you got back to her place.

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