"you fucking broke things up, not me so don't complain now that i'm getting dick and all you got is fiona's boring ass pussy."

the room went silent but i crossed my arms and raised my brows because i made my point and he can't say shit, "but he can't make you feel like i did." zion smirked but i came here armed with words, "you're right, he can probably make me feel better." i smiled and i knew damn well it was a lie but he doesn't know that.

"sheesh even danny could probably do it better than you."

"i am not included in this."

"i think i lost the topic of this argument."

"the topic is that rylee is still obsessed with me."



"so i asked you to fuck me tonight what would you say?"

"sure why not."

"see now if you asked me i would tell you to go fuck yourself, so who's really obsessed with who?"

i raised a brow at zion while the guys looked down just as brandon and alison walked into the kitchen, "what's going on?" brandon asked looking at each person, "the usual, rylee crushing zion's ego." nick said with a smile, "and i missed it?" alison questioned then sighed to herself.

when the party kicked off an hour later and the house was filled with people dancing and drinking i walked around happily with a drink in my hand because i made up my mind that i'll have fun and get out of my shell for once, there's no harm in having fun.

zion was leaning against the wall with edwin talking but i could see he was glancing at me from time to time so i ignored him instead i noticed thomas drinking and looking around so i joined him, "hey." i said happily, "hey rylee, you look great." he smiled as he looked down at my outfit, "thank you, you look great too." i smirked because he did look pretty good in a ripped, white shirt and ripped, black jeans plus the fake scars on his face were sexy as fuck on him.


"no problem, but like forreal this kind of thing looks good on you."

"do you maybe want to come to my place after the party?"

"i don't think so, my mom wants me home afterwards."

"oh come on you let zion hit it after two weeks."

"excuse me?"

i was taken back and even offended that he said that just randomly with a chuckle like it was funny, "didn't you and zion started dating like two weeks after you met?" he asked with a raised brow, "yeah but we didn't fuck automatically." i stated with my brows frowned, "oh." he mumbled clearly now regretting his words.

"what the fuck? why would you say that?"

"i just thought-"

"you thought i would have sex with you tonight? fuck no."

"why not?"

"because i'm not a fucking toy, you can't just choose when to fuck someone."

"i'm sorry if i offended you."

"no fuck off."

i threw my drink at him and stormed upstairs with anger running through my veins, i didn't know what to do with myself so i walked to the bathroom and tried collecting my thoughts.

all these guys want is to fuck me, what the fuck? and i thought thomas was different since he always had something for me but i guess not, he's just like zion or even worse.

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